PC Peripherals Stuck with a problem


Wehn i fill all the four RAM banks on MSI Neo 4 platinum with same 512 DDR 400 sticks the system works on DDR 333 instead of DDR 400... In the bios also it says it will work on DDR 333 instead of DDR 400... Anyay to work it around...

Board is MSI Neo 4 Platinum

Ram Crosair value select 4 same sticks...
Switch said:
Well... I got the solution... The rams need to single sided and unfortunately they arent...

just outta curiotsity, cud u get the system to run at 1T? :D coz from what i have seen 4 sticks run only at 2T.
i got another soolution to my problem as well while searching for urs....

4 single sided DIMMs work perefctly at 1T on a DFI nf4...whee :yahoo:
And you are getting a DFI right...

Switch posted 0.58 minutes later:

as for the ram issue... will try that when i get to home... as of now in office...
It can either be DDR400 2T or DDR333 1T. You wont get DDR400 1T with 4 dimms populated in any available A64 cpu. Doesnt matter whether its double sided or single sided. It wont wont do 1T anyway.

Edit: So if u want 2G RAM right now, get 1Gx2. The best deal right now is crucial ballistix/value. Cos those are the only 1GB sticks that overclock. The rest suck :p.
Chaos said:
It can either be DDR400 2T or DDR333 1T. You wont get DDR400 1T with 4 dimms populated in any available A64 cpu.

Venice -> DDR400, 1T possible with 4 siingle sided RAMs
@ Chaos: dats what i was thinking too.. coz on XS there are a few ppl who have got good OCes with 4 sticks.. but then again all at 2T
SunMysore said:
i read in anandtech that its possible and have done it....
Linky.... AFAIK ppl at xs are crying like crazy that no cpu can do 1T DDR400. Thats why most of them are buying 1GB crucial ballistix for oc'ing.

Chaos posted 1.08 minutes later:

SunMysore said:
baaah...what much difference that does anyway?? :p
2-300MB/s of bandwidth :p. 2T 2-2-2@250MHz = 1T 3-3-3@250MHz :p
yeah even on venice 1t isnt possible with all slots populated. 2t is about the same as reducing clocks by 10 mhz odd or so i guess.