Studies or Business


Before you read all the contents of this post,I want to tell you that this is gonna be long ,but its about my life so please help.

To start with,I am a 20 years old guy.I cleared my 10th class in 2011 with average marks.Actually during school,I faced lot of bulling and teasing and I got diverted and left my studies and got various mental disorders.After leaving my studies I joined my dad's business.But i had lack of interest there and till now i haven't learnt much now because i dont have any interest in the products i deal in.And now i am worried as i have turned 20 and still dont what to do with my life.I have interest in cyber security and hacking.and is its a new stream there is a lot of scope in it.But it has a very low presence in india.In abroad its more flourished and AFAIK the salary is also very attractive.But I am scared how will I adjust there as i have to live there without my parents and may have to face bullying or bad elements there.Other option for my career is that i can open a shop in which i will deal in computers and mobiles but i have no idea how much money will i be able to make there and what if it turns out to be unsuccessful.please help me out.
If you want to pursue your passion then I would recommend you to stick with studies till bachelors in the stream of your interest. Once your mind is diverted towards business you'll be occupied by it most of the time and maybe won't go back.

Don't worry about failures, they are bound to happen.. nobody got it right in the first try. But don't stop trying ;)
If you want to pursue your passion then I would recommend you to stick with studies till bachelors in the stream of your interest. Once your mind is diverted towards business you'll be occupied by it most of the time and maybe won't go back.

Don't worry about failures, they are bound to happen.. nobody got it right in the first try. But don't stop trying ;)
Thanks buddy for the reply.
what would happen if i stick to studies and go abroad for further education and then get into the same situation like when I was in the school?I dont know what would be my reaction.
As long as you're nice to people people won't tease you. Actually I'm introvert and rarely talk to my peers during college time, but to whoever I talked I always remained humble and helpful so earned their respect.

If you stick to the topic of your interest during your college days, I'm sure you'll find some like-minded people around you.
As long as you're nice to people people won't tease you. Actually I'm introvert and rarely talk to my peers during college time, but to whoever I talked I always remained humble and helpful so earned their respect.

If you stick to the topic of your interest during your college days, I'm sure you'll find some like-minded people around you.
This is what I did in school but all in positive results.people take you for granted and behave like asho***.
not everyone is same.. perhaps the circle in which you were in was not so good.
also keep in mind you don't need hundreds of acquaintance to be happy, even few close friends are enough. :)
@Maniacalgeek Buddy, it will not work if one is afraid from his past and does not move ahead. Agree past might be scary and always tinkering when you try to move ahead. But gather your courage, take your time and come over it. It easy to say then done but it is worth doing.

Stick to your passion and figure out/plan how to achieve your goals in that passion. Life will be wonderful. Be positive :)
@Maniacalgeek Buddy, it will not work if one is afraid from his past and does not move ahead. Agree past might be scary and always tinkering when you try to move ahead. But gather your courage, take your time and come over it. It easy to say then done but it is worth doing.

Stick to your passion and figure out/plan how to achieve your goals in that passion. Life will be wonderful. Be positive :)
Thanks for the reply.actually i cant decide what i seriously like.for example i like hacking but don't like programming.kinda confused.i dont have a plan.
@maxdemon @vyral_143 thanks guys for the replies.actually i cant connect with can i know that i like or hacking or not or its just a illusion.when i think of job,the things that come to my mind are:how will i live without my family as i havnt lived without them even once?how will i adjust with new people and new city?will there be language problems?and regarding business:what if my business fails?...
U will just live without ur parents. Have some trust on urself. Let people bully u. Why care? They are in a better place and u are in a shit hole. Which one seems better?. Take a leap of faith. Unless u dont push urself u wont know what u are capable of. Take a chance. If that fails...take chance on others. You are just 20. And the way u talk is retarded.

Bullies will be everywhere in different forms. So learn to ignore them. U really dont need that many people in life. 1 or 2 that u can depend on once in a while. And u be good.
U will just live without ur parents. Have some trust on urself. Let people bully u. Why care? They are in a better place and u are in a shit hole. Which one seems better?. Take a leap of faith. Unless u dont push urself u wont know what u are capable of. Take a chance. If that fails...take chance on others. You are just 20. And the way u talk is retarded.

Bullies will be everywhere in different forms. So learn to ignore them. U really dont need that many people in life. 1 or 2 that u can depend on once in a while. And u be good.
thanks for the are saying me to take a chance on job part but the whole point is i dont know whether i like the topic that i am to study or not.
:S :S :S.

U expect that to be answered in a public forum by strangers who don't know who you are, what are your interests etc?? :( :(

Its my opinion that this needs to be answered by you.