Monitors Studio Display - Worth it for Mac?


I am looking to buy a monitor for my Mac. After reading bjango's article on mac monitors, it seems there are not many displays in the market with 5k 27inch.

Thinking of getting 27inch Apple Studio display, but it costs 160k
Other option is 4k 27 inch from LG. Which is much reasonably priced compared to apple's.

I work with software design and development. So, my only reason to buy studio display would be that I won't be thinking of what works or not after that, there is also a claim of performance in that article.

Sometimes for hobby I also use my linux machine so, I am curious if Studio Display would work fine with that. Any experiences?
For just a software designing investing in studio display is a sheer waste.
Unless you are into graphics, animation and 3d etc stuff that too professionally there's no logic splurging on a studio display. They also have to be calibrated etc.
If you want to spend then even a sub 25-30k 27in monitor will be a great add-on for your usage along with other utilizations like gaming and movies.
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For just a software designing investing in studio display is a sheer waste.
Unless you are into graphics, animation and 3d etc stuff that too professionally there's no logic splurging on a studio display. They also have to be calibrated etc.
If you want to spend then even a sub 25-30k 27in monitor will be a great add-on for your usage along with other utilizations like gaming and movies.
How does it makes it better for 3D, Graphics, animations but not for software design? Genuinely curious.
I don't have use-case for gaming and movies. I do that on TV. I just want something for work. Reading, Researching and Creating things.
Higher-end monitors are one of those things that if you needed one, you wouldn't ask if they were worth it. Meaning, your work/output would've either demanded one or justified the cost of one.

I haven't needed a hidpi display on the desktop yet, but I proof my work/output on an old ipad which is hidpi.

edit: my displays are at 91 ppi.
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