Stuff from US?

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Hello All

One of my friend is coming from US next month. He promised me to bring stuff worth around $100 (Free to me

Can anyone suggest something good around that price.

Thanks in advance
^Media player
this what i did with my friend(he also told me 100$ limit
).. got WDTV some 4 years back
^ I was checking roku2 XS, but not a good option to use as a local HD player.. Any other suggestions plz
Apple TV ?? Not really sure about its usability factor.

No use of a roku or apple tv if you have internet speeds less than 10 mbps.

Playboy issues?

Quite pointless in the internet age. Also, they use photoshop a lot more than required.

May be some upgrade equipment for your PC ? Gfx card or something. May be you can contribute if it goes over 100 $ ?

Or Nook Color refurb, does come cheap now i guess.
My PC days are over, using laptop now

No tablets as my friend is already carrying iPad 3 with him.. No Roku or Apple TV as well..

Getting one bluetooth headset Samsung HS3000 (for jogging purpose)..

Doing a search in, nothing positive coming up
At this point I would recommend that you should look for books/movies/concerts/documentaries which are not available here.

Official merchandise of various brands is another option.
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