Car & Bike Stupid Lamborghini Driver Thread


:)Just saw two chaps speed testing the lamborghini in MG Road Bangalore:)rofl::rofl::rofl:)..First run was perfect but a cop caught them in the second run.:p (Next to spencers..probably still there)

Had a DL 3c number...possibly the one Nikhil saw...

p.s The cop deserves an award for standing in front of a lambo :p

No pics :p unfortunately I do not have a cam mobile..
Heh... something similar happened to me in my last US trip. Saw a reckless driver in a yellow Carrera GT probably doing over a 100 and he passed me in a flash. A couple of miles ahead saw that the guy got pulled over by a cop :rofl:. Was really funny.
Sandy said:
you suck man! should hav taken a pic of the cop stoping a lambo :p and given it to TOI.. :D

:)quite a busy time...somebody might have taken it...The driver and the co-passenger were both very young...

By the way I was in the MG road TOI building :p:p

p.s Only time I regretted having a 4 year old paint peeling scratch covered, glass broken Nokia phone
^^^ so true :eek:hyeah:

Hopefully tomorrows TOI edition will have a pic under the Unlock Bangalore column.

MG Road, of all places....couldn't they find some other place to speed test.

PS: oops...was a bit late in replying. my reply was to Sandy's post
Sandy said:
lol in MG road?? :rofl: even an auto will beat the lamborghini :rofl:

why the hell MG road for driving :S

with all that metro work going on am afraid even to that place in afternoon touch. Pot belly cops can walk and still catch you...
hammerhead said:
Aah reminds me about the good ol days when I used to live in Bangalore about 9 years back. There wasnt much traffic on MG road then.

Dude.. that place is a rat hole with the metro work goin on there.. bangalore traffic is a PAIN to drive in :mad:
I had a taste of Bangalore traffic last year when I visited the place. It was hell even though I was not driving. Cant imagine a lamborghini on that traffic.
There is a gallardo spyder in that super tall building off cubbon road. Forgot the name of the building. I'm guessing its the same lambo.
:) Image sites are blocked in my office :mad: :mad: . However there should not be too many running wild in MG road .Since it is a DL reg I guess it is the one Nikhil had a ride on.
He was trying to pick speed when a bajaj scooter(chetak ke jamane ke) came in front :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I gues he was also testing the brakes :rofl: :rofl: