Su-Doku Anyone

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I was thinking about putting up a thread about Su-Doku... Just started playing few days back... I try about 5 puzzels per day...
took up sudoku after being recommended by of the best time pass ever :D
last bench + mp3 player + sudoku of 3 diff newspapers = paradise + flunking my tests

im luvin it :hap2:
me just tried 2 or 3 times after that got bored of same stuff ..... the interesting thing i want to tell is one of mine fren has developed a program to solve that in C that is really koool .....
I kno but i dont play the game..Have seen Sunny addicted to it and busy solving exactly the day before his semester exams :P
Its simple... go to and read the rules... Basically there whould be a number which should repeat in the same coloum and the row(s)... And whensoevr you mark a number there should be a good reasone for it...
likes to play at times when i dont need the time :)
did anyone seen the su-do- ku 2 in last week newspapers????
I have seen them....basically i found 'em tougher than a medium level ...nothing new about 'em .

I herd there is a new Su-Doku 4*4 squares :S:S:S -- played by the ones who can finish a hard level game with an few minutes(10-15)
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