PC Peripherals Sub 10k PCs??


i came across many of these machines recently....wat do u guyz thnk abt it? i mean they offcourse pprrovide bare minimum performance...but r they worth it?

they r mostly comin with cyrix chips...ne info on dis make?
mudvayne said:
i came across many of these machines recently....wat do u guyz thnk abt it? i mean they offcourse pprrovide bare minimum performance...but r they worth it?

they r mostly comin with cyrix chips...ne info on dis make?

Well if youre on a really tight budget, and are not interested in buying second hand, only then should these be considered. I mean cmon you should be able to build a similarly spec'd machine with a low end sempron for under 15k, and that will be atleast twice as fast as a cyrix based system.

One of my friends briefly considered these systems, back then it was arnd 12k for them. He had to buy 8 computers for his office, mostly used for Word and Internet surfing, but I think he ended up spending arnd 17k for celeron based machines. But if you come to think of it, he could have saved 40k.
You can do wordprocessing, surfing, music, movies n some retro games maybe thats it. The performance will suck. Its like driving luna, will fulfill the basic task :)
Err I thought Cyrix was bought over by VIA :S. The Via C3 CPUs are actually pretty okay for simple tasks like browsing/word processor/spreadsheet etc but don't even think of running anything remotely processor intensive. It can't even play DIVX video at decent speeds :p.
Better to go for sempron than Cyrix for a bit more. Cyrix has very very basic capabilities and is not even a VFM solution these days when compared to sempron.
so dis is my current situation:
i hv been usin dis HP pavilion p3 550Mhz for abt 7 yrs.....it was a really bad experience but thts a diff issue! dis pc has reachd its end it seems as finally the MObO has conk'd off! the machine does not boot n it does not detect any of the drives :(
i got one of those engineers (sic!!) to chk it out! he said dat the mobo has severe corrosion n hence is beyond repair. now i wud hv purchsd a new mobo right away but, i supp p3 mobo aint available no more. also tried to get second hand one but was unsuccessful!
so if i need to salvage wats left of dis machine...i wud need to put a new mobo/processor/ram !
so cud ne one gvme the cheapest option to go for in dis situation?
mudvayne said:
i came across many of these machines recently....wat do u guyz thnk abt it? i mean they offcourse pprrovide bare minimum performance...but r they worth it?

they r mostly comin with cyrix chips...ne info on dis make?

If the Chip is Cyrix, then its most probably the M2 model @ 300/333 MHz.You should avoid it, as you won't be able to run Windows XP properly on it.
Better buy new Sempron based System w/ a second hand monitor, the cost would be around 11k.
if its p3 it can be repired .. but i think its not p3 so .. cyrix eh dump it!.
...................i've used xp sp2 on a p3 wit 256 mb ram it was 850 mhz comfortably enuff.!!
but p3 550 u better think of some alternate or use it as file server for downloading.