hi guys i got a subtitle file which is a single file... but the movie im having is splitted in to two files.. pls suggest me a good software which can help me to split the srt file also in to two,,,,,,,:hap2: :hap2:
there are lots of things thing that sub editor can't take care of. like movie fps. The one I use(rarely) is Sub Synch it can add or reduce time from the file
b) Install the software, load the subtitle in it (file > open)
c) Click Tools > Split subtitles
d) In the window that opens, select the "simple" tab, and select 'end of video' . Browse and select the first video file that you have.
e) Output format should be 'subrip' (SRT).
f) Click split, and you should have TWO files in the folder you specify.
This method works most of the times if the framerates for the subs and the start time of the subtitle is correct for the film (or the first half of the film).
Finally, experiment!
Let me know how it goes.
Oh... and btw, you can also search on www.opensubtitles.org if you don't want to do all this work!!