Monitors Suggest a 19" or 20" widescreen LCD.

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How good is Dell S2009W when compared to Samsung 2033 ? Any insights?

The two more or less have the same features.. cost difference is around 400 Rs (Dell cheaper)

Thanks in advance!

Udit said:
1) no
2) because 16:9 gives lesser or no black bars in movies
3) BenQ G2020HD
Thanks a lot.

I am a lil skeptical abt getting a benq . so between dell s2009w and Samsung 2033w . which one would you suggest?
Doubleseven said:
2) saw earlier poster saying he rejected a monitor because it has 16:10 aspect ratio.. why was that?
16:9 shows no black bars in movies and games.

Although some people told me that 16:9 on a 20" screen feels smaller than a 17" CRT(!). No idea how true that is until I see them in person.
Ok guys, which one to finalize - Samsung 2033SW or BenQ G2020HD?

And what exactly is the difference between a 2033SW and a 2033SW+?
Why the fixation with the 19-20 inchers, if you are worried about games, I assure you almost all games will work flawlessly on your comp at Full HD. The pleasure of watching movies on a 24" screen is something else...
24" is just too large.

Personally I find even 22" too large but might consider them after all.
Though I have no idea which are the best 22" panels.
I own a Dell S2009W.Brought it just 15 days back.Compared it side by side with Benq,samsung,AOC and viewsonic.

Only Samsung 2033 and Dell S2009W had best quality out of them all.Dell had better viewing angles and the DVI cable comes free w/ dell.

Both of them have 16:9 Aspect ratio(1600 x 900 resolution) :)

and dell is cheaper than samsung.

You take the call :D
saumilsingh said:
24" is just too large.

Personally I find even 22" too large but might consider them after all.
Though I have no idea which are the best 22" panels.

BenQ G2220HD
Samsung 2233SW+
Get a 23" in that case, a Samsung P2350 is a good monitor. I have one, and its not too big. BTW its never too big!!
BenQ G2020HD

I have it and I'm very pleased with it. :cool2:

Udit said:
BenQ G2220HD

Samsung 2233SW+

u said that dell has bs warranty system please guide me as i am going to buy 2209WA (an e-ips panel) u think dell warranty will create problems later on? it has premium panel warranty dunno what that menas?
bandaid said:
u said that dell has bs warranty system please guide me as i am going to buy 2209WA (an e-ips panel) u think dell warranty will create problems later on? it has premium panel warranty dunno what that menas?

yes dell warranty will create problems later on surely
even I had premium panel warranty still it was crap
^Dell sure has a crapped customer support but if the issue is escalated to the higher-ups, the problem will be resolved in no time. A friend of mine had his E248 swapped for a U2410 sometime back. Dell did send him a refurb (which had similar issues!) before he decided to take up the matter with the higher-ups.

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Udit said:
yes dell warranty will create problems later on surely
even I had premium panel warranty still it was crap

so u mean to say i should go for this monitor (2209WA)?

can u explain a little about their policy thing what it is?just in breif...

i dont think i would get any IPS in this range but also its said to be double the money from a good enough TN panel like the G2220HD which seems to be nothing but a similar version of E2200HD with all the features except HDMI input, speakers right or m wrong here???

G2220HD = <7400
E2200HD = <9000

please care to answer all it will help me a lot
First, what will be the distance between the monitor and you? Frankly, 20" BenQ G2020HD is more than you need.

You're right, E2200HD has built-in speakers plus HDMI port. HDMI is useful if you think you will get things like a gaming console or bluray player later on. It also comes with inbuilt speakers which are shitty and most people don't use it anyway, but it's still useful for some.

Keep in mind that E series is also discontinued now.

I suggest stick to the G series. Which is newer.. but without HDMI and speakers.
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