Suggest a Basic Phone for 10-15k with Email with attachment downloads



My Uncle needs a phone to check his emails and is very keen to have the facility to view ATTACHMENTS (images as well as word, xls docs)

Also, A phone which supports Office would be great

He is ok with a Touch screen phone

He is into hard core business which requires him to be at office for atleast half a day and he is in his car for the other half.

Any suggestions on what phone he should go for? (blackberry, samsung Android?)
options are

BB 9300

BB 9630

(These will reuire BIS for encrypted mail)

Both can open attachments of MS word,excel)

As for email,If only Reading email is a priority then he will be alright with most symbian phones coming with ovi, though if he/his firm may be concerned about the said email being forwarded by unencrypted 3rd party(OVI).


Cheapest But slightly faster Nokia you can go for E5

Other options are Nokia E71,Nokia E72, Nokia C6,