PC Peripherals suggest a case fan !!!!!

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hi !!

guys i am lookin for a 120mm case fan for intake. i have cm-elite 3XX (DONT remember :P) requirement -

-> non led

-> should be silent (pc is in my bed room so shouldn't be a PITA at night )

-> should be in Rs500 mark]

pour in ur suggestions !!!!! :)
^^^ Try getting coolermaster blademaster 120mm fans--they meet all your requirements and cost 450rs.
+1 for CM blade series fan. I think Xigmatek fans are similar to the CM ones.

Delta fan is extremely noisy.

Scythe fans are the best but not in your budget as the cheaper ones(Slip Stream) has short life.
ragzdiablo said:
Dont ask for reps mate..

youll get a big negative rep and an infraction from the mods..

Have experienced it.. :P
Sure , sorry rag , mods , I guess I was just reminding him :P Wont repeat this rep-gate incident again
well Cm blade it is ... btw i saw that it has variable rpm ,but as i dont have a fan controller wat will be its default speeds (i think it will be max right) ????
the xigmatek fans say long life bearing.but,isnt that actually sleeve bearing?why dont they say that instead of the long stuff?
Scythe fans are the best but not in your budget as the cheaper ones(Slip Stream) has short life.

The MTBF of the Slipstreams is 30,000 Hours which even on 24 hours per day running translates to >3 Years. And most folks around the globe prefer these for any cooling solution :)
CM Blademaster fans(120mm) come with the Hyper 212+ hsf and the 92mm version comes with the TX-3. I got 2 of them 120mm fans for 800rs and they are amazingly effective while pushing out air while being silent at the same time. They come with PWM connectors but can be made to run at the max speed as well by connecting them directly to the molex 4 pin power socket.
The Scythe S-Flex and Gentle Typhoon medium speed fans offer a good balance of quality, durability, cfm and noise.

But they seem overpriced in India.

aman.pitbull said:
+1 for CM blade series fan. I think Xigmatek fans are similar to the CM ones.

Delta fan is extremely noisy.

Scythe fans are the best but not in your budget as the cheaper ones(Slip Stream) has short life.

Please do not make blanket statements like that.

Some are good- some are ok.

Noise, cfm etc are specs and depending on that, there are Deltas that are Silent and there are Scythes/Yate Loons that are noisy.

There are many other products that may be way better but all depends on the intended application and requirements.

PhOeNiX said:
The MTBF of the Slipstreams is 30,000 Hours which even on 24 hours per day running translates to >3 Years. And most folks around the globe prefer these for any cooling solution :)

The quality or longetivity of fans is not simple maths unfortunately.

Can you please mention the temperature at which the MTBF of that fan is rated?

There are more things to be considered or rather so many more factors to make a fan or any product desirable/undesirable based on the exact specs, the intended usage and last but not the least, actual user experience/real world performance. :)

aman.pitbull said:
Two of my friends are using it and it started making noise after 9months, + BiKey sir' told me the same thing.

Your first-hand experience/information is invaluable.

But i am not sure using names or comments of those absent in the discussion is a wise thing to do.

Not everyone can perceive the proper value/performance of products.

We tend to use the title 'sir' very casually these days- irrespective of whether that person is deserving or not. :)
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