@Mohit- Nowadays, chairs are available at very cheap prices too and obviously their quality might not be top notch but they r quite usable too!!
Infact, you get chairs from 1500 to 15000 or higher, in most varieties-
low back, medium back, full back/full height.
Then you got to thinkof manual height fix or gas lift.
Then, plain push back, push back with locking, centre tilt, knee tilt, synchro tilt, etc.
Fibre constrution as in plastic, MS, casting, stainless steel construction.
Adjustable or fixed armrest.
And god knows what??
quality of castors is paramount for me coz i seen most chairs giving away at castors or the castor mount or casting!!
With most manufs bringing in malaysian/taiwanese/chinese/korean chairs and adjust mechanism for imported/assembled products or their manufactured products, cheap as well as inexpensive options are available today!!
I saw 3 almost identical chairs by 3 manufs- they costed 4500/-, 6500/-,7400/- respectively. The first two were local manufs and the last one is a new brand. i am still undecided on which one to go for!!:S
Every dealer i spoke to tried to push their product saying their quality is good and they give warranty and Godrej and Featherlite range is extremely expensive!!:rofl:
But Godrej and Featherlite are true ergonomically designed chairs and i will have to check prices myself before i write them off and settle for less expensive options!!:cool2:
Please mention what your requirements are and maybe i could suggest something!! :cool2:
AFAIK, Best person is Switch coz he's a Big Dealer in furniture!!:hap2:
And best of all, walk into stores of as many brands/manuf you can and try out all!! Adjust to your height and sit and pick one that feels best!!
Sometimes, the simpler ones work better than the multi-adjust ones!!
The one my dealer, who happens to be a pals pal, sent was a synchrotilt but i could barely sit on it for 1hr!! Coz he didn't do a single mod i had asked him too!! so i returned it!!
I am much more comfortable on my dining chair with 2pillows on the seat for height. I am sitting on it right now, almost 6hrs and my back is giving up slowly!! so i need to go back to my bed to lie down and rest my back and numb bum!!:rofl:
And i don't even have the option of going out and picking up the right one!!
For me its all about interpreting the specs and requesting the dealer for a few mods!!
All the best and wish me luck too!!:hap2: