Linux Suggest a Distro for a linux newbie

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Honestly try Elementary OS Luna its stable now ans aesthetically its way better than Linux Mint,using it from beta1 ;)
I'm also installed in separate drive installed as usual installed bootloader on /dev/sda(which is by default) done:cool:

sound very interesting .. going to give it a try for sure. Ty for the name :D
I can see only CD image is available .. is there by any chance that a DVD version is also available somewhere so I can install lots of apps in one go ?
Having issues with booting elementary OS. Will try Linux Mint 15 next. Damn you MS - ****ed up shit with that Secure Boot and all. Plus the BIOS on Sony machines is equally crap.
Do try Mint 15 .. its real good .. Also you can try Ubuntu 13.10 incase you can adjust to the unity desktop .... else wait for Mint 16 which will come end of this month
A lot of Linux distro's have small quirks so you need to chose one u like but Mint Linux is kinda safe bet
I installed Elementary OS in an VM and I really liked the clean looks and the lightness.
I have tried linux mint, but didn't like it as its difficult to install gnome shell in mint.
I had stopped using ubuntu long back because of bloats.

Elemntary OS has GNOME shell based desktop, but with some quirks.
Ubuntu has become slow now days .
I want something that makes my net book work fast . Play videos and surf net smoothly .
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