Suggest a FREE FTP client


Please suggest me a free FTP client that i can install on out terminal server (rremote desktop) and which will be used to ftp files to and from Unix server. This is for our project use and hence we are looking for a complete freeware program.
Any pointers in this regard will be appreciated.
only client - flashget 1.76 - dont go for the newer version - windows only

client/ server - filezilla - robust enough to keep u alive - server is windows only

linux/ *nix - u can get many ftp clients/ servers from sourceforge
hmm.. I was using CuteFTP for long time, dont know whether it is free or not.. may be I was using *ahem* :ashamed:

But It's one of the BEST FTP client right now.
Back in the day, smartFTP was the best, but it is not free anymore.

You can give Winscp a try. Its quite robust with good feature set. (uses SCP & SSH)
I'd recommend FileZilla too ... The server is very easy to install and configure .. But I guess you only want client features.. If you are going to use advanced features like Secure FTP, then you may try WinSCP ..

Both are freeware .. and I'd personally recommend WinSCP (for client)
vishalrao said:
command line is for the dinosaurs :p FileZilla/WinSCP FTW!

Hah, i'd say the opposite.

Take a simple example of queuing, say you want to pull a bunch of stuff thats located in diff directories. With a cmd line you search and then copy paste what you find into a list and then paste that in and you are good.

With a GUI, you have to go locate each directory dbl-click blah whatever.

The savings timewise is x10 in this instance.

The only reason to go GUI is if you have probs with a cmd line client, depending on how flaky the server is, usually non-free GUI ftp clients just work out of the box without too much hassle.
I shifted from SmartFTP to Filezilla after the former went paid. I wont say Filezilla is robust at all but it does the job.
There is also LeachFTP which I have used in the past.
Yes, you do, and its good for a few files or folders. But, once it exceeds that amount, a cmd line is way easier & quicker.

How would you queue up 50+ items in a GUI to download, that are spread all over the place ?

There is no question when it comes to cmd-line & batching ability :)
u can use fireftp.. it s completely free...
try it.... i have use it more than 6 months.. then now using ftprush..but it is not free...