Suggest a FREE FTP client

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AbsoluteFTP. It has a 30 day trial period, but you can un-install and re-install to get it working again.

It's only a client though, if you want the server as well try Bullet FTP.
Another vote for Winscp.

Winscp + Notepad ++ is great for editing small remote text files, much better that using vi.
blr_p said:
Yes, you do, and its good for a few files or folders. But, once it exceeds that amount, a cmd line is way easier & quicker.

How would you queue up 50+ items in a GUI to download, that are spread all over the place ?

There is no question when it comes to cmd-line & batching ability :)

Flashget can handle this seamlessly, give it a try m8!
axeman said:
Flashget can handle this seamlessly, give it a try m8!

Say you have a list of 50+ different paths for files, so how do you create the queue for this in flashget ?
Filezilla is OK (dunno whether it's free)
On firefox, FireFTP is an addon that can do everything that any regular client can do, only it's definitely free :D (I'm using it and I'm quite satisfied :) )
axeman said:
Flashget can handle this seamlessly, give it a try m8!
Can Flashget be used to upload to an FTP server as well?
I have used it only for downloading. But you have suggested it as a FTP client. Please confirm if it can upload.
Hacker said:
Another vote for Winscp.

Winscp + Notepad ++ is great for editing small remote text files, much better that using vi.

Notepad++ has got a FTPSynchronize plugin .. You can directly edit remote files using it .. Ever since it got stabliized I've stopped using Vim .. :P
it_waaznt_me said:
Notepad++ has got a FTPSynchronize plugin .. You can directly edit remote files using it .. Ever since it got stabliized I've stopped using Vim .. :P

Damm, didnt know that, Thx
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