Suggest a Gas Geyser

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So the Mahanagar Gas people have put gas pipeline through my kitchen and we plan to put Gas geysers in our bathrooms. We require two of them, not very big in size. Currently we have normal electric geysers 3 liter ones spearhot brand.
Please suggest me which geyser to go for ? Brands really dont matter as quality is more important and where to go and buy in Mumbai ???
We used Helix brand in my hometown. For almost 3 years, there were no troubles. After that it required one service.

However, when installing gas geyser, you should always keep in mind that there is enough ventilation in the area where the geyser is placed. As during operation they produce CO gas, its extremely dangerous to have one in a smaller, closed bathroom settings.

Best option will be to place them outside the bathroom area.


amohit said:
As during operation they produce CO gas, its extremely dangerous to have one in a smaller, closed bathroom settings.

Best option will be to place them outside the bathroom area.
Does this hold true even for today's new geysers. May be things must have evolved since last 3 years i guess ?
^^ Yeah i guess i have checked their website once. But main thing is reliability.

Currently at my home we have a spearhot electric geyser bought back in 1986 and it is still working awesome. I am sure i cannot expect this kind of reliability now. :(

But Mohit's statement has got me bit concerned about the gas release and ventilation since in bathroom you really cannot expect the windows to be open when bathing :P
I dont think any thing substantial has changed as far as burning technology is concerned. Ideally, when LPG/CNG is burnt, by-product should be carbon dioxide, but at times when combustion is not proper, CO is produced.

In my hometown also, when we bought the gas gyeser, we were not aware of this issue. Later on we made it a practice to fill in the bucket with hot water with the doors open..and then go for a bath.

Knowing mumbai's climate, 5-7 mins of hot water should be enough for two buckets of warm water for if space is a real issue and there is absolutely no scope of putting the geyser outside the bathroom, go for it, but get into the practice of filling in hot water before you start. (Low tech,zero cost solution)

In case this is not possible, you may also consider installing an exhaust fan and run it whenever you are using the geyser. (Cheap and workable solution)

Alternately you can install a CO detector in the bathroom. This device will sound an alarm whenever certain amt of CO is detected (high tech and better solution)

Moreover, running the geyser for 5-10 mins will not produce enough CO to kill/knockout anyone. Its an issue if its used for longer duration.

You can certainly live with it as long as you understand the equipment and its limitations.


Citizen Matters: Water heaters or silent killers?

Take safety measures while installing gas geyser - Oneindia News

LPG water heaters blamed for a dozen Bangalore deaths

Gas geysers become silent killers - Page2 - Bangalore - City - The Times of India


^^ Thanks a ton for the links buddy.

Well we plan to connect it to the shower which means it will be used for prolonged period than the normal bucket filling time. So i will need to check out few options before we go ahead with it.
using racold 5l @home, installed by the agency from mahanagar gas themselves. put an application to mahanagar gas ltd for gas geyser and they will do needful in usually 10~15 days.

do not put gas geyser in bathroom due to exhaust and steam problems.
^^ Yeah i told dad about the problems associated of which he too was unaware. Now we are trying to figure out a place to keep the geyser (outside bathroom) and if nothing materializes we will get the usual electric geyser only.
With the gas prices going up are you sure it will work out economical in the long end,if you are leaving in a independent house have you considered solar water heaters.
A electric watter geyser will consume 2 units/ hour and its its a instant type around 3 units/hr.
New racold electric water heaters even come with a timer.
I am using Benchmark Gas Geyser 6 ltrs. for a couple of years now. No problems whatsoever. It was cheapest among the brands I surveyed when I purchased.

About ventilation, You need sufficient ventilation if u install it inside bathroom. If your bathroom has ventilating window it will be fine. Otherwise, 1. better install it elsewhre, but that is always not possible. 2. u should mod ur bathroom and put a good sized ventilator at height in ur bathroom. I am exeercising second option with good effect. My geyser is common bet'n two baths in my flat.

I will also list here two advantages of gas geyser here.

1. Economical.

2. And more imp. If u want to use it for a prolonged period and with heavy waterfall, Gas geyser is best. I have never turned my Gas flow control knob more than 20% ever, And I heavily use it for shower.

Hope this helps.
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