Monitors Suggest a GFX Card+ 19" WS LCD

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Hi! Guys,

A few weeks back i proccy froze n i got a new cpu+mobo ( athlon 64 3000+ and ASUS A8V-VM - loads of features but i'm not too impressed with its graphics with a VIA Chrome9â„¢ IGP with hardware pixel shader and DX9 support)...i wanna upgrade the graphics ( wud be worth it at this point of time when dx 10 is just arnd the corner?)...i notice some image blurring/some spots while watching tv through the compro videomate tv/pvr fm card....and also thinking of upgrading to a 19" WS LCD. Pl. suggest a good gfx card ( if its worth it ) in the range of 3-5k and a 19" WS(WS is it really required?) with good viewing angles. Primary usage wud be surfing/watching tv/mvies n occasional gaming. If anyone has the exp. of watching tv on a ws lcd pl. post ur opinions of the same.


WS are cheaper than regular LCD's now, so WS is the way to go. 3-5K is totally insufficient for a graphics card IMO. Settle for a 7300GT, its the least you should buy.

TV watching is decent on a WS, of course widescreen's excel at displaying WS sources like DVD's...
for -5k ...7300GT ill b gud enough...or u can go for BIG 6600 if u want..
try X1300 to...they r preety cheap n give a decent performance!
ok then i'll consider either 7300GT or 6600GT for gfx card....but what abt monito r

samsung 940BW would be a good choice/Viewsonic vx922/vx912 wud be good>?
yup..seems to be the ideal match....with 19" WS screens now available for as little as 13.7-14.2k it seems like i'll have to hurry n grab the opportunity. i'll settle for viewsonic 1912wb + 7300GT then.

btw thanks for the advice guys.
but i doubt if you will find a 19incher and that too widescreen for 13K unless ofcourse there is a special offer
but i doubt if you will find a 19incher and that too widescreen for 13K unless ofcourse there is a special offer;) :ashamed:
i got a viewsonic 1912wb for 14k. The display is quite good. tv viewing is good too. I find dark scenes in movies etc. more darker in this monitor...and the vertical viewing angles are not that gr8.....otherwise its an excellent display. Still using @1280x768 till i get a decent gfx card.
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