Graphic Cards Suggest a GPU @ Max 4500


1. What is your budget - Rs4500.

2. Current rig Specs :
CPU - Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66Ghz
Motherboard - Asus P5QPL-AM
RAM -2 x 2GB DDR2 Kingston 800 Mhz
Monitor - Samsung SyncMaster 153V 19"

3. Which PSU/SMPS will you be using - PSU, have a circle cabinet and PSU is inbuilt.

4. Primary use - HD 1080p/720p Movies and games like crysis and GTA IV should run easily.

5. What resolution do you game on - 1024x768

6. Interested in Crossfire/SLI - No idea about this option

7. Open to both Nvidia/ATI - anything will do

Not interested in changing my PSU, so tell somthing which will pe perfect for my current confi ...recently updated my pc so not willing to go for PSU.
Or if i should increase my budget then suggest me but not too much