Suggest a Linux OS for Beginner Dell XPS 15

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@teja92 dont jump on doing a mac I also did that lost around 120GB of data at that time :P But since they were mostly games software and music i dont mind but I dindt get back that music collection ever :( . Wish I knew at that time how to recover a partition . Going with linux+macbuntu is the safest way since you can get help easily . On hackintosh getting help is a pain in the ass .
^^Thanks for that... Will check on it dude... Will Go for Ubuntu 11.04 32-bit mostly...

Will see regarding others... MAny friends recommended OpenSuse/Mint Linux. What about it?
well linux mint is a customized edition of ubuntu at the beginner's level I liked it more than ubuntu ... But thats totally personal opinion :) . Just look at screen shots and videos if you dont want to install and try both :) .

XFCE or KDE or Debian or LXDE version of Mint? Which one to go?

I want a Mac Like Look.. So please suggest a good one
Bro that is personal choice . KDE has more eye candy than GNOME . But for Macbuntu I would say go with GNOME.
For your application ie. Laptop OS for Beginner, In my opinion OpenSUSE is the best simply for the Ease of Wireless/Network config, good HW support and most importantly looks; with the KDE Desktop. The latest version is 11.4, but that is just a couple of months old and might have some bugs.

Other option would be Mandriva for absolute ease of use. Also tried PC linux OS about 1-1.5 yr back, comes well configured out of the box and is meant to look like Windows to make Windows Users feel at home.
Before you judge Ubuntu, activate the repositlries and update it. I suggest you use Ubuntu rather than Mint. Go with Mint if you don't want to spend time installing flash, mp3 support, etc and are willing to see Mint's logo everywhere.
deathgoddg said:
On hackintosh getting help is a pain in the ass .

+100000 !

Those buggers at insanelymac / tonymac / <put_any_hackintosh_forum> NEVER help at all ! Everything you have to figure out, have to read so many docs / web pages / pdfs ! It's a PITA, but once you install it will be like an orgasm, honest :bleh:

@OP - Go with Gnome
Does Installing using WUBI decrease Performance?

I just want it to be safe so that I can remove Ubuntu when I don't need it
Beware 11.04 has major power regressions...your laptop will consume 15-20% more power.

On the other hand, the interface(unity) in ubuntu 11.04 is awesome if you're a newbie and are ready to break away from the traditional menubar/startbutton system. just take some time to learn, and it will be an awesome experience.
beats even mac imo.

and if u want to try, just try it on virtualbox in fullscreen mode.These virtualisation softwares have gotten so damn good, that i sometimes forget i'm running virtual linux! plus you dont have to face hardware incompatibilities(if any) and network configuration.
can help u set it up for best possible experience
^^Thanks alot for that dude.. But I want a Good Linux Experience after the Bad experience of Ubuntu 10.10..

Regarding Power, I dont mind As long as I can bring down the brightness...

Will install it soon... Now Learning Android.... Next Week Linux...
teja92 said:
You mean the Mint Logo will be there always on Desktop? Cant change it? Is it Big?
No, you can change it. But in Firefox and opera, whenever you search google, you will get only Mint customized search along with the LinuxMint branding all over the page. That is very difficult to get rid of. However, it happens when the search bar is used, which for me is always. In fact, this is the reason I stopped using Mint and went back to Ubuntu. Now I realised that I can do everything with Ubuntu (except gaming).
well as far as bugs goes . I have noticed that Mint has lesser bugs than Ubuntu . BTW go for LTS versions rather than normal ones :) and what did you not like about 10.10 ... And did you like the unity on 11.04?
Will install soon dude... Will tell ya then

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Installed Just now... Unity theme is Great.. Now I want to make it look like Mac... Any Suggestions guys?

Ubuntu 11.04 32-Bit version is what I have installed

You mentioned that you want to learn linux. Thing is, Mint/Ubuntu run are based on Debian Linux (Correct me folks if I am wrong here). Suse is based on its own version. If you want to learn the version of Linux thats most used commercially, I would suggest you try Scientific Linux 6. Its based on Red Hat Linux minus the proprietory software. Dont think that it will have a lot of scientific stuff or something like that....Just that its developed by Fermi lab so thats the name they have given it. Google for Scientific Linux 6 and you'll know what I am talking about. I tried installing it and it worked fine...I do not have an XPS but am planning to by one [from a long long time....about time I get it hehe] Say if you are learning linux because you aim to be an admin, there are couple of differences in these versions..for example, any Debian based version, if you want to update some software, you would have to run

#aptget <package_name>

Same thing in Red Hat Linux would be

#rpm -ivh <package_name>


# yum install <package_name>

So choose your OS accordingly. If you intend to learn linux just for knowledge, then thats a different thing...any version will do..

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I hope more experienced linux guys here would correct me. I am just trying to help as much as I can.
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