CPU/Mobo Suggest Best CPU/Mobo for Home theater : 16k


Guys can you suggest best CPU/Mobo for 16k, its for lite gaming and HD videos. And i could spend another 6k for GPU. Suggestion is very much appericated.
Thanks in advance.:D
If the total budget is 16k+6k i.e. 22k then I'd suggest these:-

AMD Phenom II X3 720BE -> 7.5k

Asus M4A785TD-V EVO -> 6.5k

ATI 4770 -> 7k

Total - 21k. Also this processor-mobo combo needs DDR3 RAM.
If you do not have a good GPU then add this too
Gigabyte Superb 460w-2.2k/Corsair CX400 - 3k/Sesonic 380w- 3k
If you cant exceed the budget of 22k then
AMD Phenom II 550BE - 5.2k
Asus M4A785TD-V EVO - 6.5k
Sapphire HD 4850 512MB DDR3 - 6.8k
Corsair CX400 - 3k
So it all comes up to 21.5k and then You have to buy DDR-3 RAM too.
Get it from TE dealers. Go to the dealer section and check out.
Else goto Ritchie Street and check out.
You have many shops like delta peripherals, Samta, Sethia infotech, RC automation, Mahavir etc...