I have just started learning Java 2 months ago.
Right now I am using set, list and map very haphazardly to solve problems. So I am looking for a book which explains them in detail and also solves real life problems using them. I want to learn the most efficient method for solving problems using these built in data structures.
Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy In Java 2nd Edition by Narasimha Karumanchi
Is this book any good?
I already have studied Data Structures in my B.Tech course and have implemented them in C. I studied DS from the book "Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz(Schaum series)"
P.S - I have gone through SCJP 6 Exam Study Guide by Katherine Sierra & Bert Bates and also have Programmers Guide to SCJP6 by Khalid Mughal. These 2 books only give an overview of the Collections package.
P.S 1 - My training will end in a month and I will be deployed after that. So need to understand these things as fast as possible so that I can apply it efficiently.
Right now I am using set, list and map very haphazardly to solve problems. So I am looking for a book which explains them in detail and also solves real life problems using them. I want to learn the most efficient method for solving problems using these built in data structures.
Data Structures And Algorithms Made Easy In Java 2nd Edition by Narasimha Karumanchi
Is this book any good?
I already have studied Data Structures in my B.Tech course and have implemented them in C. I studied DS from the book "Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz(Schaum series)"
P.S - I have gone through SCJP 6 Exam Study Guide by Katherine Sierra & Bert Bates and also have Programmers Guide to SCJP6 by Khalid Mughal. These 2 books only give an overview of the Collections package.
P.S 1 - My training will end in a month and I will be deployed after that. So need to understand these things as fast as possible so that I can apply it efficiently.
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