0-20k Suggest Configuration for budget 20k

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Q: What is your budget?


Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

My previous config was a old P4 Dual Core 2 GHz with Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H mobo which died recently. So, I have just the Acer monitor and a 250 GB IDE HDD.

Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

Please suggest an Intel based rig. I have this config in my mind.

CPU - Looking at Intel i3. Pls suggest a good one. Also, is i3 a 64 bit processor or 64 bit exists separately?

Mobo - Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H (My previous mobo GA-73PVM-S2H had an inbuilt NVidia / Nforce combo so was able to play some games). Hence looking at some thing similar if possible.

RAM - Want to have 8 GB

HDD - want to have one + will be using the 250 Gigs IDE one as well

SMPS & Cabby - No idea. Pls suggest one.

Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

Dont know. May be buy a Graphics Card but not immediately within 6 months.

Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)


Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

Gaming, Browsing, Watching HD movies

Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

FPS games mainly

Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

Just wanna have good gaming with my current 1366*768 monitor resolution

Q: Are you looking to overclock?

Dont know how to

Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

Windows 7 64 bit OR 8 may be

Maybe Im expecting too much for too little. Excuse me as Im definitely not tech guru or something

Thanks in advance.

Vadrigar which FPS games buddy ?
If we know that maybe people can help you in a better way.

Since i am also in a same boat so i can recommend you following config :

Proccy : Intel Core i3 3220 ~ 6.5k
Ram : Corsair XMS3 ~ 1.1k
AMD HD 7750 ~7k
SMPS : Corsair CX V2430W ~2500
Cabinet : cooler master elite 430 or Bit Fenix Merc Alpha ~ 2.8k (u can skimp here and get cooler master 311 if usb 3.0 is not required)
The mobo u chose is perfectly fine.

U are going 5k above your budget but this will be best for you.

If u are under strict budget you can get a lower card or go for i3 3225 which has onboard gfx but it is not powerful enough. U also have option of amb trinity A9 and A10 which will be priced ~ 9k (i guess) and they can satiate your casual gaming needs easily.

This is very amateur suggestion.Tech gurus like jacob , ebil and other will come to your rescue asap :).

Also go through the other people's thread in forums and u can get a basic idea. That's how noobs like us should start :hug:
Just few additions to the rig suggested by aquaticbullet,OP go with this-
Intel Core i3 3220-6.5k
Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H-4.5k
Corsair Value Ram 4GBx1-1k
Segate 500GB 7200RPM-3.5k[If you want to get]
Sapphire HD6670-4.5k[Good enough for your resolution and your budget]
Corsair CX V2430W-2.4k
CM Elite 311-2.2k OR Nzxt Gamma-2.4k[No need to go or 3k case]
OP you should use a converter to use your existing 250GB IDE HDD cause the newer intel mobo's don't have an IDE port.
Vadrigar which FPS games buddy ?
If we know that maybe people can help you in a better way.

Since i am also in a same boat so i can recommend you following config :

Proccy : Intel Core i3 3220 ~ 6.5k
Ram : Corsair XMS3 ~ 1.1k
AMD HD 7750 ~7k
SMPS : Corsair CX V2430W ~2500
Cabinet : cooler master elite 430 or Bit Fenix Merc Alpha ~ 2.8k (u can skimp here and get cooler master 311 if usb 3.0 is not required)
The mobo u chose is perfectly fine.

U are going 5k above your budget but this will be best for you.

If u are under strict budget you can get a lower card or go for i3 3225 which has onboard gfx but it is not powerful enough. U also have option of amb trinity A9 and A10 which will be priced ~ 9k (i guess) and they can satiate your casual gaming needs easily.

This is very amateur suggestion.Tech gurus like jacob , ebil and other will come to your rescue asap :).

Also go through the other people's thread in forums and u can get a basic idea. That's how noobs like us should start :hug:
Just few additions to the rig suggested by aquaticbullet,OP go with this-
Intel Core i3 3220-6.5k
Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H-4.5k
Corsair Value Ram 4GBx1-1k
Segate 500GB 7200RPM-3.5k[If you want to get]
Sapphire HD6670-4.5k[Good enough for your resolution and your budget]
Corsair CX V2430W-2.4k
CM Elite 311-2.2k OR Nzxt Gamma-2.4k[No need to go or 3k case]
OP you should use a converter to use your existing 250GB IDE HDD cause the newer intel mobo's don't have an IDE port.

My sincere thanks to both aquaticbullet and Jakob for the quick replies. :bigok:

I'm planning to leave out on the GFX card for now and want to go for 8 gigs RAM. Is the above processor and mobo 64 bit cos i want to install W7 64 bit or may be W8 later on

Thanks again
Yes the processor has 64-bit support so you can install 64b-bit OS,Cheers.
My sincere thanks to both aquaticbullet and Jakob for the quick replies. :bigok:

I'm planning to leave out on the GFX card for now and want to go for 8 gigs RAM. Is the above processor and mobo 64 bit cos i want to install W7 64 bit or may be W8 later on

Thanks again
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