Suggest descent phone between upto 20k

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My sasur needs a phone with budget upto 20k

Requirements: (listing on priority basis)

1) Descent camera quality (min. 5MP)(Xenon will be preferred first)

2) Either Nokia/SE/ or Samsung

3) Fast operating

4) Descent battery life

5) Max memory bundled (or external maximum support)

6) 3.5mm audio support

7) USB/3g/edge/wlan/wifi etc & ofcourse bluetooth


He doesnt want the hassles of touch thingy so plz only keypads here.
Nokia E72 ~ 16k

Is Touch+Qwerty an option or does he prefer only regular keypad?

The SE Hazel is a good slider option for ~ 10k but it has a fast port. Though, u can get converters for that to plug in ur 3.5mm ear plugs.
thats it.

only two phones??

common techies...

i know there are lots of options in tch screens bt i need either both or only keypad based
Man, you have 2 very god options....
First is the nokia N8 going to make in the indian market very 22000....prorder of rs2000....exceeds your budget by 2000 but spending that money. It has all those features your FIL wants....check its specs on the nokia's site.

The other option is Samsung Wave for 5 megapixels camera, super amoled capacitive touch screen,1ghz cpu and lot more....its a very god phone for money....

Check the specs of both the phones on their respective websites and decide urself...

Remember one thing, these are the best options available in that budget,, going for phones like e72 is a waste of money...

I personally prefer the n8.... :-)
If your sasur can wait for a month, it will be better as some good Nokia devices based on S^3 are coming out. Else check these:

1. Nokia N86

2. Nokia E72

3. Nokia C6

4. SE Vivaz Pro

5. SE Hazel

6. Samsung Omnia Pro (if available in market)
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