Suggest Free HDD Partition Recovery software.


I tried F & M, It scanned but nothing came up.

There were around 6 deleted partition but none showed up, Any idea what to do ?
Praks said:

I tried F & M, It scanned but nothing came up.

There were around 6 deleted partition but none showed up, Any idea what to do ?

Sorry to know that it didn't work out for you but i had that working.
Anyway you can try other tools like test disk, acronis partition recovery ??

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

Mate if that HDD is formatted then try O&O FormatRecovery
Thank you.

Could not find Acronis partition recovery on Acronis site

Any free version of O&O FormatRecovery ? Seems they integrated with O&O directory tool.
hmm paid tools...

Will try find & mount again.

One Q - Do I need to keep HDD in RAW format or format with NTFS before scanning with F & M ?
so did you manage to recover your data?would like to know if you are successful.according to me the first step should be to make a sector to sector copy of the hard disk to another disk.then you have an identical spare and can try different tools on one without worrying about loss of data.