I need a webcam
Budget: 1.5-4k
HD - 720 or 1080
Built-in-Mic [excellent quality]
To be used with Skype; GTalk etc - for my family. This will be installed on my 3770k system. I have a 2/4Mbps (day/night) connection at home.
I have not used a webcam in well over 8 years, so am not aware of which brand is the best or even requirements. We do not want a "headphone with mic" as very often there would be 1 or more persons for the webcam conversation. Now, would this setup suffice for my needs & I need sound output to come from my external speakers.
Why HD : future proof + at times to use for home videos.
Initially (and for most times), I would want to communicate with them through my cellphone 3G using skype etc.
i.e: Cellphone (skype/3G) -> PC
Model under consideration: Logitech Pro 9000 ~ 3699/-
(other models also pulled up above from FK for comparision)
I need a webcam
Budget: 1.5-4k
HD - 720 or 1080
Built-in-Mic [excellent quality]
To be used with Skype; GTalk etc - for my family. This will be installed on my 3770k system. I have a 2/4Mbps (day/night) connection at home.
I have not used a webcam in well over 8 years, so am not aware of which brand is the best or even requirements. We do not want a "headphone with mic" as very often there would be 1 or more persons for the webcam conversation. Now, would this setup suffice for my needs & I need sound output to come from my external speakers.
Why HD : future proof + at times to use for home videos.
Initially (and for most times), I would want to communicate with them through my cellphone 3G using skype etc.
i.e: Cellphone (skype/3G) -> PC
Model under consideration: Logitech Pro 9000 ~ 3699/-
(other models also pulled up above from FK for comparision)