IFB is re badged bosch machine previously.
now its made at goa.
all siemens and bosch machines are made by SBSH which is 50 50 joint venture of siemens and bosch.
and its made in germany with absolutely no chipanda components.
so its highly advisable to buy siemens as its more widely distributed.
now how much to spend.
depends on your family size and future expansion.
if you have family of 4,you should be comfortable with 5.5 kg or if having bigger family then 6.5kg.
we have 6.5 kg machine for family of 3 and we have to use it once in 3-4 days.
lots of water saving and time saving.
hope this helps.
--- Updated Post - Automerged ---
regarding siemens ,bosch .
its serviced by same company.
you can talk to your local branch and you can discuss with your local sbsh guys.
I discussed all things about my dishwasher with actual engineer of sbsh and then finalized my purchase.
I am highly impressed with their service and follow up.
you wont believe but i got call from their branch for installation address within half an hour of payment.
so i would buy siemens and bosch again in future.