Suggest must have games for ps2 owners--- games that came out this year

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dude the ps2 ganes are dead now.. all the games that come out are just port of other ps3/360 games and really bad crappy ports.. ur better off getting old games and playing them....i think only a handful of games came out exclusively for the ps2 one was persona 3 ...
The Lego Indy game that came out this year for the PS2 is probably a must-have!

This is the only good game which came out for the PS2 this year!
The only one I downloaded for this year was Mummy:Tomb of the Dragon Emperor.Haven't played it yet but will probably do so after completing Shadow of Rome may be.:)
i was also waiting for mercenaries 2,,the ps2 versions review was abysmal.Mummy:Tomb of the Dragon Emperor also got poor review in gamespot.tna impact for ps2 is also not getting good review. i hope upcoming star wars game will be good in ps2.also the svr 2009 and yakuza 2.yakuza 1 is a fun action game- i hope u have played it allready.

better download some classic which u have nt played yet
Mercenaries got bashed as it had huge bugs.TNA Impact would never come close to Raw V/S Smackdown series.The only 3 games now I'm waiting for is James Bond: Quantum of Solace, Ghostbusters & WWE Raw V/S Smackdown 2009.
James Bond: Quantum ..hmm interesting..allthough i may try TNA for a fresh approach - i hope they will also start releasing next version every year like svr series..
god of war no doubt the best n must hv game.i also enjoyed playin the nt new but a good game...burnout series...devil may cry3..etc...these r nt new though..
Shadow of Rome is perhaps the most under rated game there is for the Playstation 2.In a nutshell, it's brilliant.I completed it a few days back & it's a full out action (with some amount of stealth involved) & hack-en-slash game from Capcom.The storyline is humongous & brilliantly crafted.It's a must have title.
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