Storage Solutions Suggest portable hard drive storage

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Guys suggest external hard drive storage 1tb or 2tb.

Data to be stored is very precious aka timeless moments in form of family images and videos which accounts to 800+gbs spanning across 15 yrs of valuable data.

Disk failure rate should be bare minimum even if I will be maintaining 3 copies of the data on 3 different medias.

I'm confused between WD elements, passport and My passport ultra.
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WD Passport or Elements. Ultra and Elements has very little speed difference, so get which ever is less costly at time of buying. I've seen the Ultra for less price than the Elements some times on Amazon. I have the 4TB My Passport series.
Ok. Some geek friends are forcing towards the new wd ultra passport. I was getting 2tb elements for 5k but missed the deal.
I looked up on the internet and WD My Passport seems to be among the top choices.

Seagate Backup Plus Slim is also a recommended one.

I have been using Seagate Backup Plus (not slim, it's an earlier model), and have been pretty happy with it.
WD My Passport Ultra hasn't been mentioned in the reviews for top external hard drives that I saw on the internet. You should go for just WD My Passport.
From what I understand, the Ultra had some encryption features apart from the normal stuff. So you can go for Passport or Elements - the only difference is the lack of a backup utility (AFAIK)
Just search Google for "best external hard disk", and you will get links for many reviews.

I looked up WD site, and Ultra seems to have premium design, and social media features in the hard drive. Nothing else seems to be different between passport ultra, and passport. Go with plain passport.
I'd suggest not buying a drive with encryption. I had a WD 3.5 mm external drive. The drive developed quite a few bad sectors, and wouldn't work in the USB case. I could see all the data, but couldn't access it. The operation would take forever, and result in an error. This was about 2-3 years ago, so I can't recall the exact error.
Anyway, I decided to take the drive out of the case, and use it as an internal drive.
It worked, but the drive was encrypted, and the data was inaccessible. Eventually I formatted the drive, and it's still working today, albeit with a lot of bad sectors. I've been using it in an un-encrypted external hard drive case from QuantumZero, and it's running 8-10 hours a day, on my Raspberry Pi media center, with hardly any problems.
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