Suggest REALLY good games FPS, racing sim, adventure(2005-2009)

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Live eviL
I want to play play play after exams for a week. So please suggest as many games as u can. I play mainly FPS/ adventure. I have missed many good games since 2005 so u can suggest frm 2005 which are worthy to be played.

I have played, so suggest games other than these
GTA 3, 4 san andreas
Call of jaurez
Fear/ fear 2
stalker latest one-shadow of chernobyl 2008
Area 51
Doom 3 (1/2:()
Call of duty 2
POP two thrones-( i lost intrest after monster started releasing my spirit with a few whacks on the head, and i was struggling to control -very bad port)
NFS underground1, 2, mostwanted
Undercover(nightmare- i cant drive for 5 mins without police cockroaches all over me)
Total overdose
half life 2, ep1
left for dead
tomb raider-underworld

I am taking few games fallout3, assasins creed, GOW, burnout paradise frm my frnd.

Any games (like spore-read lot of reviews abt it) are welcome though FPS preffered.
Even I've been out of the gaming scene for some time but I've heard Prototype is an amazing game. Also, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Another one that I'd recommend personally is Hitman Blood Money.

All these are basically action/adventure games. Enjoy! :)
play COD4 & COD5
also u can play Dead Space if u like survival horror.
Burnout Paradise is the best racing game IMHO.

oooo almost 4got......... Clive Barker's Jericho is also cool.
Test Drive Unlimited (with bonus pack) is EPIC!!! :D

Chronicles of Riddick : Assault on Dark Athena

Cryostasis (if you are into survival horror)

1 game and only one game: Duke Nukem Forever.

Wow. What a game.


PS: S = S....a....r.....c...a.... OH you get it!
ajish65 said:
Even I've been out of the gaming scene for some time but I've heard Prototype is an amazing game. Also, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune.

Another one that I'd recommend personally is Hitman Blood Money.

All these are basically action/adventure games. Enjoy! :)

Uncharted is a PS3 exclusive.

@ OP, the newest one is not Stalker : SoC , but Clear Sky. If you like RPGs, try Neverwinter Nights 2 (2006), Mass Effect (2008), The Witcher and Fallout 3 (2009)

Then there's a new Price of Persia out too.
Painkiller & Painkiller Overdose - The first one is very very addictive, and you just won't let it go. I started playing and after each level I just couldn't turn it off and wanted more and more.

Get hold of "Will Rock" if you can since it's a somewhat old game and you might be able to get it at 99 or 199 bucks somewhere. Great graphics and gameplay.

Also I had played a fun game called "Nitro Family". A fast paced fun FPS without any dark story; just non-stop carnage...

Serious Sam - First and Second Encounter
- No thinking required...just kill as many as you can as they come in hordes. Cool simple weapons and cooler monsters

Quake 3 Arena - Still one of my all time favorites...:hap2:

Unreal Tournament - Any version right from the first...
Recommended List:

1. Spore(Fun, childish too)

2. Half Life 2: Episode 2

3. Prototype


5. GRID(But it's very difficult)

6. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare(Must Play)
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