Asked a reviewer to test his power consumption and daily worked out to be 0.14 units. BEE's label says it should be 0.53. So his measured figure is much lowerNo I haven't done any verification on my end. I think it's going to be quite hard to accurately test it as too many factors are at play which are hard to control outside a standardised test setting, like how many times you open/close the door, what the ambient temp is, how much food stuff you add to the fridge from outside, etc. So with these ratings it's more about comparison rather than the actual value, which may not match.
What is happening here? It's winter up north so power consumption will be less. He thinks if he does the test in summer then it will be at least a unit or close to. Or more than the daily BEE's figure.
But if we avg both these summer and winter values we get something much closer to BEE's figure. Is this how BEE calculated the figure. As an annual average?
What do you think?