Suggest some books


Hi friends can you please suggest me some good books on these topics:
1. ASP.NET(In C# and VB both) : Professional ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB (Programmer to Programmer) (9780470187579): Bill Evjen, Scott Hanselman, Devin Rader: Books
Which one is good??? The black book or the Wrox one??

2. PHP + MySQL : PHP and MySQL: Create - Modify - Reuse (9780470192429): Timothy Boronczyk, Martin E. Psinas: Books

3. RHCE : RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302) (Certification Press) (9780072264548): Michael Jang: Books

4. Python : Learning Python (Animal Guide) (9780596158064): Mark Lutz, Lutz Mark: Books

5. Java : I'm looking to buy the Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt. But I've a confusion, there are two books, one is Java2 and another one is simply Complete Reference to Java. What is Java2?? Is it the version??

6. HTML, CSS, Javascript : I've a book of Ivan Bayross. But I want something more good. The Javascript there is just bs.

7. CEH : CEH: Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide: Exam 312-50 (9780782144376): Kimberly Graves: Books

8. Perl : Programming Perl (3rd Edition) (9780596000271): Larry Wall, Tom Christiansen, Jon Orwant: Books OR Learning Perl, 5th Edition (9780596520106): Randal Schwartz, Tom Phoenix, brian d foy: Books

Well.....I've added my choise. Please correct them accordingly.
i also want to know which book is good for asp dot net (Vb and c#).....
btw, black book is referred by many for dot net. And it will surely introduce you to all the concepts then for further reading u can refer other books.:hap2:
Learning Perl's best introduction to perl
Programming Perl's comprehensive and witty by the creator of the language

Learning Python's best books on python
Beginning python 3 is also very good

Core Java volume 1 & 2 by Cay Horstmann
The java programming language-Ken Arnold&James Gosling are the best books to learn java from.
Java in a nutshell By Flanagan is a good reference.

For Javascript get Javascript: The definitive guide by Flanagan
Head first html and css is worth a look.( I dont know much about this stuff :) )

For you couldn't find better books than Dino Espositos', but they are a bit dry and a bit more invovled. Good as a second book.
beginning 3.5 by Matthew MacDonald is a good introduction. unleashed is simple, practical, comprehensive and a very good reference.

Check these before buying.

PHP and MySQL Web Development by Luke Welling is a good book(I am not much into php, so cant suggest more, this is the only one I read)

Unix Power tools, Running linux, Linux in a nutshell are good books, I dont know they would be useful for RHCE
Hey, try Head First Java...dunno the author...Hilarious n it'll clear all ur concepts THOROUGHLY..And u'll fall off the chair laffing!!! Must read even for all java nerds!!
Sorry for jackin' the thread but can some tell me the name of the C book written by Dennis Ritchie and that Kernigham dude? Please also tell me the best book for OOPS and Data Structures.
Book's title "The C programming Language "
I personally believe it's better to learn OOP along with a programming language. Which language would you prefer? Object oriented programming by Timothy Budd is a good introduction. Object oriented analysis and desing with applications By Grady Booch Third edition is one of the best.
For data structures, Data Structures, Algorithms, And Applications In C++ by Sartaj Sahni is a comprehensive introduction. After Knuth, the best book on algoithms(including data structures) is Algorithms in C++ by Sedgewick(c and java editions too are available). You could also consider Data structures using c++ by Alen Weiss.