Suggest the best router with inbuilt support for uTorrent Downloads?

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stalker00031 said:
Was thinking of buying the ASUS RT N16 for this purpose.

I had heard that the default torrent client allows 6 simultaneous sessions. Is there such a limitation with ddwrt + transmission ?

No limitation depends upon how loaded the router is, the default firmware is crap you have heard we have experienced its very buggy


Power consumption of Router is 5W compared to notebook which is easily more than 100W at least
^ not true . only high end notebooks will consume more than 90W . atom consumes less than 4W ,netbook consumption would be somewhere 14-17W ,with display switched off it would be lower
^Even then its not a good options since it wears down your netbook over a period of time.
@dheeraj: can i use a external seagate goflex 1tb 3.5" hdd for the asus n13u b1, and i need the hard disk for playing backups on my ps3(it reqires the hdd to be in fat32 format), so, what do you suggest me.?
@kaushik0105: see the ideal setup is to have an ext3 formatted drive permanently connected to the router. and yeah u can use the goflex just fine. as for the ps3, aint my area of prowess. others here may help u with that. if u can use network to do this then the setup will work awesome. the hdd would appear as a network drive.


I have a friend here on TE who has an ASUS N13u setup with 160gb ext drive running as a perfect torrent box and network share, up for sale. I helped him set it up :p. anybody looking for a turn key download server setup can look at this post link
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