Audio Suggestion for 5.1 receiver


I have speakers of my old sony home theatre system; so i need the receiver to connect them so that i can use them with pc as well as my lcd tv. pls recommend me some.. i am really tight on budget.
Yamaha 367 or 467 both are starting range , 367 retails at 20k and online 18k , get 367 on , that's cheapest in India , or if u want u can get 367 from global eBay but that's 13k but u need to do some alteration with power , so better buy Indian piece . Buy I suggest u to buy yamaha or denon :)
Thats like annoying to listen for some nice recievers for an old speakers...First you specify your speakers...their frequency range,driver & rms power out...else this recievers will be an overkill for ur speaker set up...i suggest you to buy some cheap reciever like intex,iball or creative used one for this...else its just throwing the money away
the thread starter did not want a costly option so he has opted out of buying a receiver ,

Mods can lock this thread ( had a talk with him Via PMs)