suggestion for a hometheatre budget around 50k!

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suggestion for a hometheatre budget around 50k! i have a relative who makes speakers with brand name lithos Home Page mostly might go in for 5.1 costin 50k or so.. this is an indian make,been for the demo absolutely impressive stuff from them!! was thinkin of reducing the cost goin in for a yamaha hme theatre thts abt 24k wht u guys think..any others good..?? wht ull think abt teleome???
Lithos is in a different class from Yamaha/Telome (both of which are similar). If you can afford it, there's no question about the Lithos. I heard some of them at a friend's place and though there is room for improvement, the sound quality was still pretty good. I wouldn't ask for more at the price you were paying.

Another brand you can consider are acoustic portrait - there are reports of it being very bright, but in a HT set up you should be OK. AFAIK their 5.1 set is also around the same price band, plus they have one set of slightly cheaper speakers. You might want to visit their site. I think they're in Bangalore only though.

You also might want to listen to Sonodyne, you can probably get a 5.0 (no sub) for about 45K with the full towers. I am not aware of their current line-up but they had a second, smaller tower whose sound I actually preferred, and that was significantly cheaper too. I would imagine a setup with one of their Roarr subs for 11K (which are pretty good) and a 5.0 for about 40K would be decent. I liked the Sonus quite a lot till some time back - they're sensitive enough to be driven by a low-power receiver.

Get out there and start listening. Mission has a pretty good entry level line in that range, and IIRC there was a good selection for 5.0 and 5.1 setups in the 50-60K area. You'd need a receiver though! I heard a pretty fantastic set of small PSB bookshelves, and paired with a good receiver and a sub they could blow your socks off. They were proper hi-fi speakers with a real crossover, and if I hadn't been looking for floorstanders then I would've snapped them up. They were 14K a pair, so 5 of them plus a sub would be perfect.

If you can't stretch that much, then you can look at either of the last two brands, it doesn't make that much of a difference. I would give a slight edge to the Yamaha because its sub is slightly better designed and the Telome tends to be a little boomy (it's a 6th order sub so it has a very sharp bass peak).

IIRC a Yamaha 5.1 with the receiver would be similar to a Telome + Yamaha receiver.
Would it be possible to get basic speakers from polk audio in that budget?

If so that would be an incredible choice.
Yeah but the entry level Polks aren't so hot - actually too hot, their balance is very bright and my ears hurt after a few minutes. They sound spectacular at auditions, but will be painful in long term use.

The LS series is incredible VFM though, for about 40K for a pretty decent pair of bookshelves. But that's only two speakers.

Good Indian brands manufacture their top-end products in that range (Cadence does not fall into this category, BTW) and will compete well with foreign manufacturers at 50% more price, generally speaking. Of course individual taste and 'brand' consciousness will dictate the final choice, which is why I believe so much in recommending auditions and not in brands and individual products.

Do give Polk a listen, and do audition the LS series also even if you are not in the market for high-end bookshelves. You might want to consider them in the future.
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