Suggestion needed for water purifier

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Hi. I'm going to shift to a single room next month. So, I am planning to get a small water purifier. I was looking at Pureit Compact and Tata Swach. I've heard some horrible user reviews for both. But still want to hear opinions from users here. Please suggest good ones with good after sales support and cheap maintenance under 1.5k. Thanks..
for a non electricity model go for pureit,iits pure & safe ! spares can be user serviceable so no need to worry about spares/service.
i have used both HUL pureit compact and tata swach and found swach better in taste as well as durability, the spare parts(germkill kit,uppermost mesh) of both is nearly the same price.
I have an aquaguard one, cost me around 1400 or so... Its going good since 1.5 yrs and water is good too :)
Have pureit classic here, and have to say, gr8 piece. just ensure you get the auto fill one.

the only reason for not recommending swach is that i feel pureit is safer. but then, each one is entitled to their opinion.

also will be posting pics of the new model soon, within a day or two.

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Well, in your budget, the compact will be the only one. no auto fill option there.

also heard the swach needs changing more frequently? not sure.
^^ I have used both pureit and tata swach and found that swach was better in all departments be it most litres for your buck,taste,purity,reliability and durability.
Both are actually avoidable, Kent has a similar model, which contains better filters at similar price, any water testing lab would recommend the same to you.
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