Suggestion : WiFi Router

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At the moment i have a NetGear WGR614v5 and I have been told by my loca ISP (Anara Internet) that my Main ISP (Exatt) has blocked the MAC Address of Netgear routers as they were facing some incompatibility issues. I would like to know if any one has faced this problem before ( i have already read some of the threads related to this but there was no solution except to replace the wifi router) and has managed to use the same router.

And could you suggest another good router as i will be hopefuly exchanging my router for another 1.

Netgear WGR614 (Rs 2100) will be exchanged

I was thinking of LinkSys WRT54GC (Rs 3300) <<-- is the price allright?

or could you suggest another good wifi router < Rs 3000

@RIO LinkSys WRT54GC is for Rs3300

LinkSys WRT54G Rs3000

afaik the difference between the 2 models is that the "C" model is smaller.
Get the WRT54G and if possible go in for the version 4 of the router (Can be confirmed by the serial no. It should not be CDFB or CDFC which is a version 5 and 6). Upgrade its firmware to dd-wrt and it will rock your world.

I got the router from Delhi for 2.8K and it is rock solid. I can get the Wireless signal without any hardware modification in my whole building (5 floors with the router at the top floor).
@SumitB : thanx for ur help mate. so v4 is anything but CDFB or CDFC .. what if its a v1, v2 or v3 ( i guess that should be fine) .. wow the coverage area seems amazing!! my current routers signal begins to fade across my hall.

~cheers & thanks

yes you can get anything amongst the v1-v4. These give you more NVRAM space to use the other features of the dd-wrt. Even if you get the v5 you can install the dd-wrt micro with limited features but that too will work for the given range. I have installed about 12 routers for friends and work and all work great. The last 4 routers were the v5.
@SumitB : i will try and get my hands on a v4 or any previous version :D thanx for ur help mate.

Is there any site which explains how im supposed to flash/upgrade(?) the firmware/nvram



Can someone tell me what is the price of the WRT54G and GL in Karnataka? Here in Cochin, there are two authorized retailers - one of them quoted 3.7k for the WRT54G and 4k for the GL while the other was selling the G version for 3.2k net. He didn't have the GL with him. Unfortunately the G version he had was v5.

If the price difference is considerable, would someone in blore be kind enough to get a GL for me and courier it to me :) ... treat guaranteed :cool2:
I got the WRT54GL for 3500 from mumbai, pm me if anyone wants it, will pass on the contact details. WRT54GL is the version that supports flashing the linux firmware onto it, *L* stands for linux. WRT54G V5 also can be flashed to the new firmwares, but it sucks because it has less memory compared to the WRT54GL. Will be soon posting a guide on how to upgrade firmware onto the WRT54GL :P
Can somebody breakdown the difference (detailed) between the G, GL, GS, any other WRT54G series? What exactly is this Speed Booster business about?

@SumitB... Not really sure about what dd-wrt is.

an entire building? I have a v4 WRT54G and to get the signal to the 1st and 3rd floor, I need to place it in the 2nd floor. Each floor is about 1100 sq. ft

I need coverage for the Ground, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor.

Any help would be appreciated.
Sweet... thanks for the info mate
Based on what I just read, the WRT54G v4.x is the same as the new WRT54GL. I read somewhere that using DD-WRT enables SpeedBooster on the WRT54GL. So will this hold good even for the old WRT54G v4.x routers?
Does increaseing the Transmitter Power help the range?

Also, what is the last stable setting for TPO?

@mod... sorry about tht last post... didn't realise I did a consecutive post.

After you edited it... my option to edit it seems to have disappeared... hence this new consecutive post.
Increasing the transmit power does not improve the range really, i have tried it personally and saw no gain. It only ends up increasing the noise level, so that feature really dosent help much. But if better antennas are attached you will definitely get better range.
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