Suggestions for a bedside reading lamp with HA integration


Hi guys,
I am looking for a bedside reading lamp, preferably with an integration with Home Assistant. It would be great to change colors as hue as well. So far, I could only see MI Smart Bedisde Lamp 2 that would work. Can anyone recommend any lamp that would be used as a reading lamp as well and have WiFi integration.
Thank you in advance for any recommendations.
Unless you like the fit and finish of a bespoke solution like the Mi Bedside, isn't it a cheaper alternative to install a smart bulb to an existing bedside lamp? Most of them are Tuya based and can integrate with HA easily.
Unless you like the fit and finish of a bespoke solution like the Mi Bedside, isn't it a cheaper alternative to install a smart bulb to an existing bedside lamp? Most of them are Tuya based and can integrate with HA easily.
You are correct on that part. I Could only figure out using Philipps Wiz bulbs with easier WiFi integrations.