Suggestions for a personal professional website

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Hi guys, my university department provides each of us (students) the facility to host a webpage (website actually, cause you can have multiple pages). People generally put up a photo, a resume (online viewing as well as .pdf), projects done, some other odds and ends. So a few things:

1. I do not know crap about web programming. Most people just put up a resume + photo on an all white page. I would like something more elegant, yet professional and light at the same time. I saw a related thread here:

Any more suggestions/actual help would be appreciated.

2. Any suggestions for what I should actually put up? Some of you probably have your own webpages for professional stuff, any suggestions.

3. I can put cgi-scripts in. Can any of you tell me what I can do with it that my be useful for my purposes (getting jobs, internships, giving to other academics etc.)?
Hey u can always cook up some real good CGI scripts. Since they may have given u an user account on the system 99% u can install perl modules with user privileges.

You can start with some Perl/PHP coding to display static pages and then deal with dynamic pages later.

U can always move on to SOAP/XML-RPC and stuff. Amazon/Google have released their APIs which can be called from web through SOAP/XML-RPC.

Its fun to query Amazon's Database from Web. ;)

Also put up a blog. Use Wordpress (if u have MySQL DB access) or use any other like greymatter.

Need any help let me know.
Yes I do have an account on the system. The question here is: what do I do with those privileges? You see, I could always query Amazon's database frolm my site, but that would hardly add any value to it.

Eg. I took a course in OS last semester: Click here to check Amazon's list of OS books!!!

Not very useful. I don't know much about web design, so I can't say where this dynamicity will be of any use. So more suggestions would be welcome. Thanks for the offer for help. I need to get up the first version of this site, by same 10 days, so let us start with simple stuff. Adding a blog (don't know if I would really want one up on department pages) is something I might do later.

Basically my question is

1. What do you think I can do to add some chutzpah to a site that has one purpose - glorify me and my work

2. How do I do it given the fact that I can execute cgi-scripts etc?

Will using cgi-scripts for static content really do anything for me?
See i am not exaclty getting what u want to do.

If u want to put up a snazzy website regarding u and ur work pull up some good editor and a graphics software and churn up some good stuff.

If u want to learn about PHP/Perl/SOAP/XML-RPC etc then u can start coding. It will help u later in ur Job.

But i dont think Job would be a consideration for that.

Also check out AJAX to build up some good windowed interface.
I would suggest you to simply stick with xhtml and css as far as the presentation and layout is concerned. You do not need much of any dynamic content (other than a blog perhaps) for a site of this nature.

You could also put in a section where people could add a scrap or two about you. Indirect glorification :)
Ok, let me explain.

This site that the college provides, is basically something to put on your resume. That way, companies can come and see it, download a copy of your resume, look at your project reports etc. As I said, you are glorifying yourself. One student has put up a tutorial on some assignment (this was allowed by the professor concerned). Now I need to make a similar site. Most other people have absolutely drab sites. I guess no one here knows much of web programming. Which makes sense. We are all MS and PhD students. Never heard of a PhD in web programming. I need to make such a site for myself, I just want it to look a bit better than an empty page with 10 lines of text and two hyperlinks. Which is why I asked for suggestions. I also told you guys that I can use cgi-script just so that you would be able to better suggest what I should do (eg. there is no use of you suggesting say java servlets cause I can't run them).

Basically I need a web designer (more than a programmer). If you were a professional web designer, and I came up to you and told you to make such a site, what would you do to make it look nice? I don't want to use frontpage because that makes pages really heavy.
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