Suggestions for New Rig

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Hi all...

I plan to buy a desktop within a couple of weeks. I've shortlisted the components I am interested in by going through other people's thread from this forum. Can you guys please see and tell me if i need any changes or additions to the components? :)

1. Q: What is your budget?

1. Less than 40K (as less as possible. I'm looking for as powerful a rig as possible within this limited budget without any glossy hardware :))

2. Q: What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)

1. Dell Inspiron 15"

4. Q: Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.

1. CPU - Intel i5-750

2. Motherboard - Intel DH55TC

3. HDD - 500GB Western Digital Blue

4. RAM - 2GB DDR3 Kingston

5. Cabinet - Zebtronics Bijli

6. PSU - Gigabyte Super 460W

7. Speakers - Altec Lansing BXR 1121 2.1 (Altec Lansing are supposed to be good..i've chosen this as it is the cheapest with a sub-woofer)

8. Keyboard/Mouse - Logitech Combo

9. Monitor - Samsung 2233sw 21.5' (or 2233sw+ or 2250..whichever gives better color output and suits my budget)

10. UPS - 550VA APC

5. Q: Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component

1. Will include GPU - Nvidia Geforce GTS 240/250/9600GT/9800GT later after a couple of months. After that, I would like to keep this rig for as long as possible without changing anything. (last PC i had went on for 5 yrs :) you get the idea :))

6. Q: Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)

1. Delhi

8. Q: What is your intended use for this PC/hardware

1. The main usage of this rig would be hardcore GRAPHIC DESIGNING. I would be working on complete Adobe Suite and a couple of Animation programs as well like 3ds Max and Maya. I'm also a music fanatic, it's like loud music should be always on when i'm working. So hopefuly the speakers i've chosen would be the best within my budget. I need speakers with sub woofer. Altec Lansing is a renowed company so chose these ones. I'm kindda hung up on beats :) dhinchak! ... lol :)

9. Q: Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.

1. None that i can think of.

10. Q: If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?

1. Not much gaming but the graphics applications should work well with the graphic card i've chosen. The only purpose of the graphic card is for the applications to run smoothly. I might play games once in a while. Not sure on that!

11. Q: What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage

1. Not sure on that but i need full HD atleast which the monitor i've chosen fulfils.

12. Q: Are you looking to overclock?

1. Never will I try and take chances with the hardware :)

13. Q: Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?

1. Windows 7 (will not be buying it :))

I'm not inclined on AMD but would like to know a substitute rig as well. I'll assemble the PC myself.

Thanks :)
The config that you mentions looks pretty balanced.

for AV encoding and 3D design, core i5 is the best bet inside 10k.

get 4 gig of DDR3. You need loads of RAM for maya and 3DS Max.

Corsair VX450 would be much better if you want to add a midrange GPU in the future.

Don't go for conventional gaming GPU. look for ATI FireGL/FirePro and nVidia Quadro instead. They are meant for 3d design and pawn similar priced gaming card in 2d/3d design tasks.

Get a mouse with high sensitivity as it is required for 3D design. something like MX518 or Lazer deathadder.
CPU - Intel i5-750 9.8k
Motherboard - Intel DH55TC 5.5k
HDD - 500GB Western Digital Blue 2.3k
RAM - 2GB DDR3 Kingston 2.9k
Cabinet - CM Elite 310 1.5k
PSU - Gigabyte Super 460W 2.2k
Speakers - Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1.1k
Monitor - Benq G2220HD 7.6k
UPS - 550VA APC 1.9k
Key Board/Mouse - Logitech Combo 0.7k
TOTAL ~ 35.5k :rofl:
desiibond said:
The config that you mentions looks pretty balanced.

for AV encoding and 3D design, core i5 is the best bet inside 10k.

get 4 gig of DDR3. You need loads of RAM for maya and 3DS Max.

Corsair VX450 would be much better if you want to add a midrange GPU in the future.

Don't go for conventional gaming GPU. look for ATI FireGL/FirePro and nVidia Quadro instead. They are meant for 3d design and pawn similar priced gaming card in 2d/3d design tasks.

Get a mouse with high sensitivity as it is required for 3D design. something like MX518 or Lazer deathadder.

desiibond thanks for replying..

Core i5 certainly is awesome :hap2: but I happen to read on Intel's website that it doesn't have an inbuilt IGP which Core i3 has .And to my surprise the Motherboard i've chosen does'nt come with an IGP as well !!:P lol.. What is the remedy for that?:huh: I don't plan to invest in a GPU as of now otherwise it will shoot up my amount to ~42K.:( I plan to keep the budget ~35K as of now and will go for a GPU after i get my next pay cheque ;):hap2:.

And thanks for the mouse suggestions..the first one you suggested looks really really cool!!:hap2: but i plan to spend as less as possible on glitter and gloss :) . Maybe a cool mouse would come in the next upgade! :clap:

EDIT: Ah.! Forgot about the PSU Corsair you've mentioned. Hmmm...expensive...what's the harm with Gigabyte? :) it's cheap...same watts..durable i guess...because I see people recommending this. :)

Sumit05 said:
CPU - Intel i5-750 9.8k

Motherboard - Intel DH55TC 5.5k

HDD - 500GB Western Digital Blue 2.3k

RAM - 2GB DDR3 Kingston 2.9k

Cabinet - CM Elite 310 1.5k

PSU - Gigabyte Super 460W 2.2k

Speakers - Altec Lansing 2.1 BXR1121 1.1k

Monitor - Benq G2220HD 7.6k

UPS - 550VA APC 1.9k

Key Board/Mouse - Logitech Combo 0.7k

TOTAL ~ 35.5k :rofl:

Sumit05 thanks for replying..

As I've written in the above post..."Core i5 doesn't have an inbuilt IGP which Core i3 has .And to my surprise the Motherboard i've chosen does'nt come with an IGP as well"..are there any other options I have?:huh: would prefer it in Intel :)

Any specific reason for recommending CM Elite 310 Cabby..?? I was keeping the "sasta and tikau" option in mind while choosing Bijli ;)

Regarding the monitor, have seen the Benq 2220HD. Wasn't impressed by the color quality it had :)

Glad it's coming out to be well within my budget!! Thanks for the price updates.:hap2:
Just get some cheap card like the Geforce 8200Gs for now ........... then sell it of later or keep it as a bckupcard if your Quadro needs an RMA or something .......

Leadtek QUADRO FX380 256MB DDR3 -7k looks like your best bet in that budget for a 3d designing card .........
As devinwolf said, just pick an ultra cheap GPU for now. core i3 may have onchip GPU but that's too weak and there is no point in going for core i3 just for that.

Gigabyte Superb 460W is a decent GPU but if on the long run, Corsair VX450W would save more money on power bills in case you go for a 6k-10k GPU.

in Displays, stick to Dell or samsung.

would'nt it be better if i choose another motherboard which has one inbuild?? because i can work with onboard Graphics as of now..would go with a GPU later on directly...

if i go for a quadro...would corsair 450W be enough for it??

and there was a thread where it was written that corsair seems to give problems with the APC UPS..?? any updates there?? :)
hmm....then any cheaper GPU's as of now? as low price as it can get but decent enough to run my programs..??
ok..if not intel then any other good mobo which could do the job WITH an onboard IGP...and it's price?

and what specific GPU would you suggest for my work..? and it's price also..:)

ah!! dude!! i'm going through the same isssue while building the rig for my friend.!! lol!! even i require a mobo that has an onboard IGP....plan to work on it as of now and then buy a hardcore GPU lagter on...but there does'nt seem to be any IGP integrated mobo's out there for i5...:) let's see...

PS: i bought a c2Q by taking help from people out here and bought a really awesome PC last week. and maya seems to work perfectly on it as of now :) let's hope it works great when i put things on render..;) lol..
@desibond : yeah g55 is available in the market.... and those mobos are required for using the onchip GPU in i3 and i5 dual cores...
latino_ansari said:
@desibond : yeah g55 is available in the market.... and those mobos are required for using the onchip GPU in i3 and i5 dual cores...

What G55 mobos with IGP for intel :| Can u plz gimme sone links. Never heard of any. AFAIK there are only 4 LGA-1156 socket mobos. P-55, H-55, H-57 and Q57.

Intel H55, H57 and Q57: New chipsets for Clarkdale processors - Intel H55, H57, Q57, Chipset, Clarkdale, Core i3, Core i5 - PC Games Hardware

The H-55, H-57 and Q57 all can make use of the on die IGP (which is present along with the CPU - new tech from intel) of the Clarkdale dual cores i-3,i-5.

The P-55 supports more RAID configs and USB ports than the other three chipsets. But they cant utilize the on die IGP of the processor. None of these chipsets have IGP on the mobo.

If someone wants i-750 then they have to get a discrete GPU. There is no on die GPU in the proccy.

Post only if you know about something. Dont spread FUD :|
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