PC Peripherals Suggestions for PSU


I wanted to build a pc for my little brother to game on. I am planning to buy a second hand rx580 or 570. So, I was thinking of getting a 450W PSU.

So my first question is, will 450W be enough. I think the total system usage would be 250W max, I guess there would be enough headroom, but still wanted to know other's opinions. The usage will be medium, like he won't play too heavy games. Also no other stuff like rendering etc.

Second question, which PSU should I buy. I don't have much budget, at max 3K. So, is there any decent PSU in that range.

Also, the final question, how much price would be good enough for a second hand rx 570 and 580.
I've been seeing 580 8gb, go for about 6-8k on olx. And 570 for about 4-6K.

Please guide me. Thank you all.
What are the rest of your system specifications?

I would suggest getting at least a 500-550w, which would allow you some additional headroom. You can refer to this list for choosing a decent unit - https://cultists.network/140/psu-tier-list/

I wouldn't skimp on PSU quality, since that is the main component that is driving your entire system. I would suggest that you increase your budget a little more, and get the MWE 550W for 3.9K. Wouldn't go any lower than that. The Corsair VS series will also get the job done and are cheaper, but aren't the best, quality-wise.

STAY AWAY from local units such as those from Ant Esports. They are garbage-tier.

6-6.5k would be a good price for a used 580 (8GB).
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If you were to buy MWE 550W, please see that it is from ACAAB series. It is the one rated highly on the cultists list whereas the MWE 550w sold in the Indian market is a different series.
I could find ACAAB series being sold only on Elitehubs.
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If you were to buy MWE 550W, please see that it is from ACAAB series. It is the one rated highly on the cultists list whereas the MWE 550w sold in the Indian market is a different series.
I could find ACAAB series being sold only on Elitehubs.
You mentioned this elsewhere as well I think. I don't know the difference, any article/resource you can recommend to check?
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What are the rest of your system specifications?
I had an old pc lying around. It has i5 3570K with 16GB 1600Mhz ram and I bought a 512 gb wd blue sata ssd.

I wouldn't skimp on PSU quality, since that is the main component that is driving your entire system. I would suggest that you increase your budget a little more, and get the MWE 550W for 3.9K.
Thanks, I will look into it. As suggested by @Afxal, I will try to see if I can find ACAAB version.
6-6.5k would be a good price for a used 580 (8GB)
Thanks for the info.
Also, if anyone has any other recommendations, please do tell.

If you were to buy MWE 550W, please see that it is from ACAAB series. It is the one rated highly on the cultists list whereas the MWE 550w sold in the Indian market is a different series.
I could find ACAAB series being sold only on Elitehubs.

I checked the cultists list. It has both the versions on the same tier. ACAAB is in the main list, while the other one is in the low priority section.
Does it make that much of a difference?

ACAAB is full range while other is 230v only.

"Full Range" is referring to the AC mains input that it can accept. Full range means that it can accept both 115V used in places like America as well as 230V used in places like Asia, Australia, Europe. The other type of PSU is 230V only PSUs that can only be used in countries that use 220-240V mains, but they're usually cheaper and not made as well as they can't use the lower voltage of the 115V AC mains power which is harder on PSUs. Usually a sign of poorer quality if it's 230V only.

Moreover, Cultists have only mentioned ACAAB as Tier B PSU while the ACABW isn't listed so we will be buying a non tested PSU.