PC Peripherals Suggestions regarding My new Intel Core i7 RIG


Hi all, i am new to TE forums but i have been following it lately. I like all the suggestion and personal feedback that the members post. this is the best forums i have ever seen for PC. Guys i am building my first system. I want your personal opinion or suggestions about it. Iam not a rich guy but i am very much attachment for technology so i dont mind spending for good components which wont be outdated very soon and reliable too. So here goes my list. I am buying it from TE dealer Sudhir (Phoenix).

CPU - Core i7 975 EE - 56,000
Motherboard - Gigabyte X58 UD5 - 17,750
RAM - OCZ Reaper 6 GB 1600 MHZ CAS 7 - 13300
GPU - Zotac GTX 275 AMP - 15750
HDD - WD Black Cavair - 6700
PSU - Corsair 750 TX 750W - 8100
Cabinet - CM Storm Scout (price still not confirmed) was keen on HAF 932 but not available
Already have Viewsonic 24" VX2433 Monitor
^Lol is that a joke? :p

I'm not sure if spending 56k on that processor would be really worth it. I mean are you going to harness all that prowess inside that? o_O

And mind you, you will not get a good resale value on that processor when you intend to sell it later! Quite common with most stuffs which has a hand in monopoly!
@OP, why don't to stick to Intel i7 920?

14.4K and you get to invest things in more important stuff for your comp.

Get a modular PSU.

Get a stacker.

Get a 4870 for now and buy a DX11 card after 2 months or so and sell this one :).
yup better get an i7 920 and oc it to the hilt on tht ud5...i think u wud be very pleased wid tht...

and think abt what all u can get in tht extra 40 ks ...a really cool lcd or a surround sound system...
I'd recommend ~

CPU + Cooler - i7 920 D0 + Xigmatek Thor's Hammer ~ 14500 + 3500

Motherboard - DFI LP-UT X58-T3EH8 ~ 18500 (via Phoenix / Sudhir)

GPU - HD4850 (Till DX11 Card is out) ~ 7000

RAM - Patriot Viper DDR3 6GB 1600 x 2 ~ 8k x 2 ~ 16000

PSU - Corsair 1000HX ~ 11000

Case - Cooler Master HAF922 ~ 6000

I'll personally recommend the mid sized tower , as the full sized one would not make much of a difference to be honest and you'll end up saving and investing on a better GPU solution!

HDD - 2 x WD 1TB Black RAID 0 Config. - 6.5k x 2 ~ 13000

Comes out to be ~ 89,000 compared to the 1.2L as per you stated! :)

With the remainder get a good Audio Solution and gaming stuff. You may also save for the DX11 GPU! :D
Thank you all for your feedback specially Gannu and sickizblank. Trust me my dealer also said that same words that 975 would be a waste of money and you can easily overclock the 920 to 3.3+ GHZ and even i know that you can easily reach 3.8+ GHZ on air cooling with 920. Guys i did not wanted to overclock the CPU but wanted a stock speed of 3+ GHZ. I want my RIG to deliver MAX performace at stock settings, i am very hesitant to overclock it.

I wont be going for SLI and in future i would be adding an SSD to eliminate the need for RAID.

Thanks again all of you guys.
sickizblank said:
I'd recommend ~

CPU + Cooler - i7 920 D0 + Xigmatek Thor's Hammer ~ 14500 + 3500

Motherboard - DFI LP-UT X58-T3EH8 ~ 18500 (via Phoenix / Sudhir)

GPU - HD4850 (Till DX11 Card is out) ~ 7000

RAM - Patriot Viper DDR3 6GB 1600 x 2 ~ 8k x 2 ~ 16000

PSU - Corsair 1000HX ~ 11000

Case - Cooler Master HAF922 ~ 6000

I'll personally recommend the mid sized tower , as the full sized one would not make much of a difference to be honest and you'll end up saving and investing on a better GPU solution!

HDD - 2 x WD 1TB Black RAID 0 Config. - 6.5k x 2 ~ 13000

Comes out to be ~ 89,000 compared to the 1.2L as per you stated! :)

With the remainder get a good Audio Solution and gaming stuff. You may also save for the DX11 GPU! :D

can u tell me from which shop u have quoted these prices i am interested in Corsair 1000HX ~ 11000. Its a steal :clap::tongue:
If you have the money feel free to use it , not waste it. Actually the 975 is actually made for those who have money and overclocking in mind. Its got a unlocked multiplier.
I7 975 is waste of money (even if u r a rich guy, and dunno wht to do with ur money).
Buy i7 920 and spend the remaining money for upgrading!
Always choose this strategy:
Buy the products that are BEST VALUE FOR MONEY and then upgrade frequently(if u've got money like this).

Like buying a Q9550 or i7920 now and investing again for processor as soon as the new one comes; There by you'll get better performance even as the time goes by.
Cause the new architecture (or technology) processors from Intel will definitely be far better than the current i7. you an switch over to them when you feel your system is too slow!

For motherboard - I never had craze on purhasing feature rich and performance oriented mobo (so spare me in this matter)

Video card - Buy the card that will be able to handle all the games (excluding crysis) at their highest settings and the higest resolution ur monitor can handle. After that, when newer games comes, and your video card is unable to handle those games, buy a better card (it'll be definitely better than, buying a "SO CALLED" futuristic card and stuck in a position where u run out of funds for upgrading that card (yes! even futuristic cards need upgrades sometimes)).

RAM - no comments. DDR3 is ok for i7, DDR2 800 is ok for Q9550.

HDD - BUY LOTS n LOTS (like server computing), if you are a movie buff and would like to watch and enjoy the glory of FULL HD movies in 24" monitors. Cause my friends even after buying 1.5tb hard disk they are running out of space. (they game a lot too)

SPEAKERS&SOUND CARD: PLEASE do justice to your EARS. After enjoying all the eye candies from a monitor and video card - wht sin had our EARS done to hear ruthless, cracking, distorting, worst, terrible sounds from BLUNT speakers. SPend some money in buying a pair of good speakers and sound card.

SMPS - defintely worth spending for demanding cards. BUT look for value for money smps. Like for ex: if my zebronics 400W PLATINUM (real power blue light) can handle a 9600GT AMP! edition (overlocked) at its full efficiency, then what's the use of spending extra bucks in buying useless corsair and cooler master smps (TE members are gonna bash me for saying this, but still its my "IMHO")

So.... Think again before spending such a huge amount! Still the monitor u r having is bugging me . .. If only I had money of that kind - I'd would've definitely got myself a DELL 2209wa / HPLP2275w (S-PVA) / HP LP2475w(H-IPS) monitors!
Thanks a lot emmarbee for your suggestion and no sir i am not rich at all. I am investing my good 11 months saved salary in building this PC. I am just a tech freak who has always dreamed of building his dream PC. I am finally very close to it. If god allows i would be assembling it this thursday. I have literally spend 2 months checking reviews for each and every part listed above.

Trust me guys i wont be upgrading these core components atleast for the next 2 years. As Windows 7 should be working fine with this config.

For the audio solution is concerned i have a Yamaha RX659 AV reciever and 5.1 speakers, so i am ok on that. I am would be using the optical output from motherboard for best audio quality.

Thanks for all the replies and waiting for more. :)
emmarbee said:
I7 975 is waste of money...




All good common sense but where's the advise asked for? Models, brands ???

@shawn_pro, since you have already spent on the CPU, I suggest you brush up on the finer points of OCcing and give it a try. Would be a shame to run it at stock and derive the same performance as someone using a overclocked 920. It's not that tough unless you want to go for really high record breaking benchies :)!

About hard drives and HD movies, better to invest in a HDD dock like the Vantec NexStars and buy drives as necessary compared to stuffing your rig with HDDs. I guess 1TBs like the WD Green series would hit the sweet spot price/ performance wise. Since they run slower, I'd expect them to last a lot longer + speed is not a factor for storage.

For the main drive, you can stick with the drive you've chosen until you get your SSD.
WOW thank you aso much guys. Techenclave forums and all you members is simply superb. This is a great place for newbie to wiz to gather info about different h/w. Thank you all you members.

I would be needing some more advice and suggestions later once i get my RIG to enchance my computing exprerience.

techenclave simply rOcKS!!!
Hey dude !! Have u bought the PSU also ??? Coz if u havent, than i have a 1.7 yr old Cooler Master Real Power Pro for sale ... if intrsted than PM me !!!
Thanks harryneopotter but i have already planned for the corsair CPU.

Guys even i am cure that Maghalem can be installed on UD5 mobo with my OCZ reaper. what say guys or lese i will have to buy some other mobo.