Suggestions to build my Dream Bedroom :)

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Dear friends

I want to redo my bedroom...I want to transform it into a really cozy comfortable, romantic den(I like that word)...

My total budget is 4 lakhs out of which 2L will go for Audio video equipment...Its a reasonably spacious bedroom and I have some well laid of cupboards and bookshelves... Suggestions on Comp table(big and nice) would be nice..

But what Iam really looking for is suggestions on

1. A really really cozy bed/cot... How are water beds...Something exotic is what I need...:cool2:

2. Any really innovative idea to transform my bedroom into a really romantic sweetspot... Looking for something innovative like some cool false ceiling idea..Some virtual planetorium on the ceiling..something different and exotic...:) Can also have some mini table for 2 with a small bar( very small)...can have soft lights embedded in the ceiling....something to replicate the moonlight feel....Iam just going crazy here...but need suggestions...

My budget for the above two is 2Lacs...Can spend bit more if needed...
Room size ? Can't help you with water bed, for AV equipment, temme what kinda moozik you listen too, will get back to you then :D
No offense but you know what people like you have no idea whats a real bedroom is... A bedroom is not suppose to have a romantic area as well as a comp table... And water beds are a definite No no... Instead pick up a low level bed with spring mattress as they are the in thing... As for the interiors hire a good interior designer... Also need a top elevation of the room showing where are the windows and doors...

Also not to forget a bathroom adjoining the room is also as important as one cant even imagine what quality time one can spend in a bathroom instead of a bedroom... Picture this... A jacuzzi with a wall mounted 32" LCD display with your favorite movie with a doubly digital system ;)
1> Show the plan of the room with dimensions
2> Mention whether you are single/married / need to accomodate GFs/ friends / etc

cat with a hat said:
No offense but you know what people like you have no idea whats a real bedroom is... A bedroom is not suppose to have a romantic area as well as a comp table...

Maybe he means study/library with a bed :P

Hmm makes sense...

Im planning to hire an interior dsigner man...Im not asking for design patterns and structures...All Im asking is innovate ideas and you did mention Jacuzzis which is a good one,

There was a mention in the papers some time ago about some false ceiling setup that can mimic moonlights and starry sky...Just looking for ideas mate...

Anyways thanks....:)


its 20x18 i think...yes planning to get married soon :)
BTW, it is absolutely essential that the interior designer gets no say in choosing the AV equipment and its placement :D
zhopudey said:
BTW, it is absolutely essential that the interior designer gets no says in choosing the AV equipment and its placement :D

absoluitely !! This is the most important thing.

Also, like Switch said...A water bed is a definite no-no

- A low lying bed with floor level furniture

- A large sized display with preferably a Mac

- AV equipment choices are wide & varied so choose per your own liking

- Though a LazBoy/recliner are living room equipment, it doesn't hurt to have 1 in the bedroom too

and don't even think of silly stuff like twinklies on the ceiling
If your viewing distance is 15 feet + get a 50" Display for a immersive experience.

Two floorstanders should be enough unless you absolutely want a full 5.1 setup. I actually just finished building a setup for my home, I'll tell you more about it a little later.

Edit : As czar said, invest in a Mac Mini for the HDCP ;)
Okey here are some of the tips... Go in for a cassette AC Daikin AC: ... Not a window and not a wall mounting split... If you are planning to marry soon triple your wardrobe space... Go in for wooden flooring if you are in a cold area or for a tile flooring if you are in a hot area...

Your room area sounds reasonably good... choose darker colours for the wooden furniture you are planning to do in your room and ligher colours for the wall paints... Go and have a look here for wall painting ideas...

And please keep the top wall color as light as possible with concealed lights... If you really wanna get innovative get a mirror fixed on top of the bed ;)...
hmm..well my room is more like 18x16 n a bit more perhaps as abt 3 feet is a narrow space thats beside the full area is more like 18x16 or bit more with another 2-3feet subway like :ashamed:

Hey Iam not talking of twinklies guys...I heard smwhere that your ceiling can incorporate a false ceiling which can give a moonlight outdoor night appearance...Anyways that aside...I have a split A/C and will prob keep that. I have light cupboard one full side and all light funriture...Will wrap them with vinyl and a darker polish.....
Hmm will have to hunt for some innovate beds...Il keep you guys posted...
ditch the innovative don't anna regret that later ;) .just walk down to one of the lifestyle Home stores to pick up a bed, and a recliner :P prev post was so childish....:ashamed:

what I meant was I intend to wrap vinyl on all my light colored furniture...

Il keep you guys posted....

Hmm Il post the LCD and speakers thread when Im all set to buy them which will be in about a month or two...

Thanks guys...oh and if you have some nice/sweet/bright/kinky/erotic/elegant/exotic/different ideas please do post...

Thanks again :)

superczar said:
ditch the innovative don't anna regret that later ;) .just walk down to one of the lifestyle Home stores to pick up a bed, and a recliner :P

eerm...too springy aint good is it...:ashamed:

Nikhil said:
Donmt just ask ANY girl.

Ask THE girl :P

I just got one ans..Flowers and lots of em...:ashamed:
vij said:
Hmm makes sense...
Im planning to hire an interior dsigner man...Im not asking for design patterns and structures...All Im asking is innovate ideas and you did mention Jacuzzis which is a good one,
There was a mention in the papers some time ago about some false ceiling setup that can mimic moonlights and starry sky...Just looking for ideas mate...
Anyways thanks....:)

its 20x18 i think...yes planning to get married soon :)
:) Don't know about expensive designs...

But there is some reflective paint available in any hardware shop..If you paint your ceiling with that(you can paint the entire universe) it will glow after you switch of the lights..I mean I find it cool...
A friend of mine has done it..:)
raj_pol said:
:) Don't know about expensive designs...

But there is some reflective paint available in any hardware shop..If you paint your ceiling with that(you can paint the entire universe) it will glow after you switch of the lights..I mean I find it cool...
A friend of mine has done it..:)

hmm that was a neat suggestion....
any idea of the name of that paint...
repped :)
Please think very hard about what you want. What you want right now may not be the same what you may want 5 yrs down the line. Generally, people tend to make their setup funky but not in extremes. Right now I am renovating my place and have been searching the net for ideas and stuff. Try and

On designspotter, try and look at the various sections on the right hand panel and in stylehive just search for tags like bedroom or furniture or lighting, etc. You will get some really good ideas. Also, buy some interior mags like Better INteriors and Inside Outside, and you will be all set.

I am not even sure about how much you want to spend on the AV setup as most people tend to watch it in their living room (big screen, good acoustics, etc). There is this concept of false ceiling with rope lights at the edges (which is pretty common) but you can design your own on paper and have niches and light fixtures somewhere on it. Try and have ridges going through the ceiling and include them in the wall paint. It looks like its a single piece going through the entire room. Make sure its subtle.
BTW, once you're married, I suppose floorstanders in your bedroom would mean you getting kicked out. Start looking at sat-subs. Brands to check are Definitive Tech, Anthony Gallo, Mirage, as well as our own Sonodyne and Lithos.
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