Super Crap Amps!


Was going to name the post 'Decent Amplifiers' but after Sunny changed the whole meaning of decent I am forced to change the title to Super Crap Audio ! :(

I decided to overhaul my amps and Dacs. So I got the iBasso P3+ to replace my portable amp. Was thinking of the iBasso D4 mamba but I decided I would have spent a good 50 - 70 dollars upgrading the OPAMPS to tweak the sound. This one already has a decent collection of OPAMPS already and it also comes with a wall charger to save on batteries. :)

I got another DAC to pair with this. Will post once it comes.

The box


The amp !


The amp again


The main reason for getting the amp - Lots of swappable OPAMPs and buffers !


The amp with all the stuff inside the box. And no thats not a second amp you can see its an extra case.


Initial impressions are good, its a detailed amp with good treble. My earlier Meier Corda was a bit warm but this amp is dead neutral. A good pairing with my RE1 IEM.

This amp has more than enough juice to drive my HD650 and any headphone out there bar the Electrostatic ones.

And I got this purely on a whim ! Can someone guess what this amp costs ???


^ baah it's not that expensive ! He got the tube amp cheap , that's all I know .Lucky guy :p

By the way congrats Brendon :D. The ibasso P3+ was the least expected when you told me you are getting a new amp .hehe anyways do post a initial impression of different op-amps once you have tried them.
I will ofcourse try them out soon.Congrats once again.:eek:hyeah:

Warning : "Quality audio gear can be addictive " .That's what Ive learnt from BF1983,I remember him saying " No more audio upgrades " or did it only apply to IEMs. :bleh:
^^ Err I meant no more audio upgrades AFTER this one. :ashamed:

@sumchamp - It cost me $37 + $15 shipping. :)

The soundstage I get is really amazing for something so cheap !
^ WTF! How you managed to get that cheaper as its site says $199.

Faheem rightly said, "Quality gears can be really addictive" and I know somewhere down the lane planning for some good amp. :eek:hyeah:
sumchamp said:
^ WTF! How you managed to get that cheaper as its site says $199.

Faheem rightly said, "Quality gears can be really addictive" and I know somewhere down the lane planning for some good amp. :eek:hyeah:

ebay is your friend ;)
I just did a little more research on the P3+ because the op-amp rolling part seemed very interesting ,as in I could get a matched sound for different earphones/headphones.

P3+ seems to be very promising with different Opamps, few guys have even replaced the stock capacitors with better ones to get a smoother sound and wider sounstage :O. Here's another amp on my wishlist now .
congrats Brendon.

the P3+ amp is as good as the amp section of Mamba so you don't need to be so modest.:)

That bravo amp sure looks pretty. How does it sound?

So, which DAC are you getting ?

^The DAC he is getting is even more amazing .One of the best VFM products for this year and has a very fast growing thread on head-fi where people have been comparing it with DACs worth 4-10 times it's price. .That's it ..nothing more than this. Let it be a surprise.:bleh:

EDIT : just read your post again, it seems you already know about it .hehehe
The glow of that tube looks nice! :p


PS: Next time when I drop in at Mumbai, I shall get a good darshan & audition of your audio gear.