Car & Bike Swift OBD II Tool help

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MCITP 2008
Hey Guys,

I recently bought a bluetooth ODB II ELM 327 Scan Tool from for $21 for my Suzuki Swift VXi 2007 model. Connected it to its place, paired with my Motorola Xoom, started Torque (free), in its option i selected the Device, and then it ran some tests, the OBD tool's lights flashed a couple of times then on my Xoom it said Connected to ECU OK.

I started my car but no changes to dials on screen drove a few kms, still nothing... the only thing that was working was Speed, when i checked it was set for GPS & not OBD, changed to OBD & it didn't work.

So now the question is what do i do? Should i test it on my dad's car?


aasim. OBD tools wont work on indian swift. bczo Maruti }Suzuki uses some propitiatory protocol which wont work with any OBD Tools except their own Tech-2 Tool. :(

I have tried 3-4 different OBD tools with different protocols with my swift VDi on carputer but non of them worked.
Damn it! i was really looking forward to get this working for me.. I guess i'll have to change my car :ashamed:

Will it work on my dad's Chevy Aveo 1.4? Any other similar tool that will work for swift, as i've seen the Suzuki's tech-2 tool & it sucks big time.
I had looked this up a long time ago ~ 6 months back, since i had planned on taking my Dad's Swift and dumping the M800. But still prefer the 800, so cancelled plans for the OBD.

AFAIK, its the pin layout that's different, that's all. It should work with some of the OBD tools. I will let you know by tomorrow night.
Aseem. it will work fine with Aveo 1.4 Do try it out. I wanna see those Dials live. :)
Vivek. I have tried almost all the tools available on net. But none of them working. :( MSIL using their own protocol. :@
MSIL uses their proprietary protocol. It's a variant of KWP2000 fast init. I was trying to get this thing working for my Swift Vdi but the bluetooth of the adapter stopped working :( . I spent a lot trying to get this thing working. Bought a Scangauge first, didn't work. Built a MPGuino based on the Arduino board (see ecomodder forums) - didn't work. Then bought a ELM 327 OBD II tool from ebay. That went dead after a few day. I stopped trying.

See this thread:
Maruti Suzuki Swift Diesel - which protocol? - RhinoPower Forum

BTW OBDII tools (including the Scangauge) work in 2009 and newer Maruti K Series engines (Petrol only).
yeah, Maruti vehicles are not compatible with the obd2, and I think that the new swift works. You can check more discussions on this at tbhp.
Wow, looks interesting, never knew about this. I have a Chevrolet Beat. Is it OBD II compatible? How do i know. I looked at the manual but it doesnt seem to be mentioned. Also, is there any iOS app available for monitoring all this? and is this easy to install? just plug and play?
yes i think all Chevrolet cars are OBD II compatible.

I still have to test this tool on my aveo... i will be selling the tool off as if its not working for my Swift, i don't need it.

iPhone app yes.. there's Rev & Torque. DashCommand as well.
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