Other Switch for Wifi router

My wireless router+modem is present in my bedroom since thats where desktop is located in.Every night I switch off the wifi when i go to sleep. Other people in the house who wake up early have to wait for me to wake up and switch it on.Cant I have the switch of my router outside my bedroom?Dont ask me to move my desktop please.
By switch if you're referring to an electrical switch then, Yes. You can have the switch anywhere in your house. It will involve some electrical work though.
no, I was hoping a solution without messing any of the present electrical wiring in the wall.I have to place the wifi router, broadband wiring and the computer outside my bedroom if I dont want to be distured. Thats the high road.Is there no shortcut?
well.. I think so too.But if I keep it on 24X7 on all days, somethings bound to go wrong modem+router, I feel. After all it's an electronic appliance. So trying to avoid such a situation.
No sir. I have been a using linksys am300 adsl modem last 7 years. On for 24x7, and routers - asus n13, netgear 3500, now using asus n66u.
And for worst case scenario keep an modem+router combo unit for standby. You can get good ones for around 1k.
These devices usually consume 9V @ 0.6A, which works out to 5.4W an hour (TP Link 740N), which is approx 4 units a month.

I keep my devices ON 24x7 all the time.