CPU/Mobo Switch to phenom II X2 555 BE or stick with E7500


Now i have two options in my hand.

My friend has offered me RS. 7500 /- for

MY Brand new c2d 7500 and gigabyte g31 board.

SO now my doubt is

1. I have 3 gb of ram. So should i sell 3 gb and get the 4gb ram for games(And stay with my current processor+mobo)

I have 1k in my hand. Should i sell 1gb ram and get a 2 gb one (So my total ram will be 4 GB)


Should i sell my mobo and processor to my friend and switch to phenom II X2 555 BE + Biostar TA785GE which will be around 9000 RS. >>>??

Also with the current config i am playing games like Deadspace, Bioshock with > 50 FPS. So tht makes me think should i change the rig ??

In a lot of benchmarks i found that E7500 VS X2 550 is only 5-10 FPS. SO should i change my current config?
Wat is the resolution at which you game?
Also do u have a dedicated GPU or play using IGP?
Do u plan to OC the proccy?

If u get a X2 555 BE, and u can unlock the 2 cores then u'll get a quad thats all i can say.
The rest depends on the 1st 2 questions.
first thing u are getting a really good price for ur mobo so if u want u can sell it...

second if u can manage another 1.5k then add 1more gb ram and get an aftermarket cooler (ocz vanquisher or cm tx3) and pump ur current procy to over 3.2ghz
I have a gtx 260 GPU for games. And i am concerned about overclocking my mobo atleast for 6 months cause i fried up my mobo few weeks ago (not because of overclocking). and i donot wish to take the risk. And i play games @ 1600*900 resolution
You are getting a good price for the E7500+G31. A brand new sealed pack combo costs only 7.4k. :p If u are not able to unlock the 555BE then the performance difference is not much.

But if u can unlock it :D So why not give it a try. The PhenomII X2 555BE costs 4.9k and the Biostar TA785GE costs 3.8k. Just get one and give unlocking a shot. U may get 3k instant savings(by unlocking to a 955BE) :D
But what if i cant unlock it ?? Will it the performance be on par with e7500 and i am not willing to spend on a cooler and if i get that combo i have to stick with 3gb ram. Please help

if not unlocked> slightly better than current config

if unlocked> lot lot better than current config.

There is 90% chance of unlocking with the 555BE. So go for it. The stock 3.2 Ghz is just fine to juice a GTX260.
As already said, new one cost less than what you are getting, so sell it even if you buy same combo :), that will give you new warranty, but I suggest try AMD thing, if you can get those extra FPS why not, additionally you are not loosing anything in selling your stuff.
If i opt for x2 555 be what are the risks of trying to unlock the cores. Is it too difficult ? Because i am a noob at overclocking and stuff. So is unlocking dangerous.?

Also where can i find the batch name in the x2 555 processor and which batch name is famous for unlocking ?
In that guide it was mentioned about potential harms of unlocking. And it was clearly mentioned that a after market cooler will be needed. Is that true coz after getting this mobo+processor i wont even have a penny ( Even i cant get the thermal paste ) SO clarify .. ??
It sounds great . Sorry for asking this again. Since 555be is 64 bit, can i install 32 bit OS on it and play all games without a glitch on my pc like i do now with e7500 and g31 combo or will there be a slight hiccups in installing a 32 bit os on 64 bit cpu? Sorry i am a noob:huh::S
hi guys,

im also goin to gt a 555be n msi 790fx-gd70 in a day or two,
i hv also rd tat aftr unlokin we need to underclok the cpu, is it correct ? if so by how much(or is it done by mobo automaticaly to stablize the cpu) ?

one mor question, if im able to unlok my 555be is it ok to keep it tat way on stk cooler, or just use it wn apps demand?

plz recomnd sm software to check the stability of unloked cores!!:eek:hyeah:

karthius, i hope answers to my questions will help u too!!:)
You need not do any underclocking after unlocking. Some say, NB should be set to 1.6Ghz while doin so, but its to make sure, any bit of unstability tha might occur, is only coz of CPU, and not mobo/chipset. AFter a successful unlock, you can try 2Ghz HT, and if it works, then no need to revert back.

You an keep it in unlocked state for it whole lifetime. No probs there.

You can use prime 95 test to check stability. A couple of hours will do.

karthikus said:
It sounds great . Sorry for asking this again. Since 555be is 64 bit, can i install 32 bit OS on it and play all games without a glitch on my pc like i do now with e7500 and g31 combo or will there be a slight hiccups in installing a 32 bit os on 64 bit cpu? Sorry i am a noob:huh::S

You can use it just like any 32 bit proccy, same as the case of e7500.
karthikus said:
It sounds great . Sorry for asking this again. Since 555be is 64 bit, can i install 32 bit OS on it and play all games without a glitch on my pc like i do now with e7500 and g31 combo or will there be a slight hiccups in installing a 32 bit os on 64 bit cpu? Sorry i am a noob:huh::S

u can run any os u want on 555be, this goes fr e7500 too, i own a e7500 too and i hv installed xp 32bit & 64bit thn win7 32 bit & 64 bit and all of tm worked fine,

with 4 gb of ram ull not even notice diffrence of single frame between 32 bit n 64 bit os while plyin games,

hell i tested it and even 32 bit ws better in some games(ya i also hv 4gb of ram):cool2:
tajendra said:
u can run any os u want on 555be, this goes fr e7500 too, i own a e7500 too and i hv installed xp 32bit & 64bit thn win7 32 bit & 64 bit and all of tm worked fine,

with 4 gb of ram ull not even notice diffrence of single frame between 32 bit n 64 bit os while plyin games,

hell i tested it and even 32 bit ws better in some games(ya i also hv 4gb of ram):cool2:

naah. 98 and lower wont work :bleh:
Also i learnt that We have to update the bios to unlock x2 555. But it could be done only with a floppy. But i dont have a floppy disk and neither my friends. SO what to do now. Is there any other means to flash bios other than floppy ? Please tell me ..