Symbian-Guru shuts down, says Nokia is 'losing hard'

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Nokia's strength has been cutting edge hardware with mediocre software..Well, lets just say a million apps on ur iphone wont increase the quality and the resolution of your pics..

A 10k nokia can do much more than wat a 40k iphone can do..Aslightly slower/outdated interface is a very small sacrifice for the money you save..

And btw nokia has awesome basic software functionality, like backup restore, using ur phone from ur pc, thanks to the awesome nokia/ovi pc suite..

I can imagine living with out these tools..

And frankly i'm so used to symbian, with the correct themes it looks as good as any other mobile os that people swear by..
I think MeeGo is the right way forward - Intel's kernel development expertise (though we don't know how much support they'll give Arm vs. x86) combined with Nokia's new-gained expertise in UI (see their acquisition of TrollTech and their Qt framework)... so like I said before:

Nokia is da best. Death to da rest.

(btw I used to hate Nokia - wouldn't touch their homo candybar phones with a 100 foot pole - until the N900 - I'm a Motorola fan, was really disappointed to see them go Android - and I hope they try MeeGo too once its out)...
Its sad that Symbian is going out but well all good things come to an end anyway. Symbian was good and will be remembered as good. It brought along so many features possible in smartphones a few years back. And apps... come on guys, Symbian and Nokia were the ones who brought these to the masses. Probably we all know about apps somewhere from Nokia. :)

Android is good and steadily growing and Apple Apps are too strong at over 200000, and Nokia needs to grow in terms of software to compete. As someone earlier said that Nokia is not looking at the higher end, why is that? Nokia can get the hardware anyday, its just the matter of getting the right software to create the perfect mix.
Even if it doesn't go for the high end market, atleast it should be able to roll out feature filled phones for the masses which are pleasure to use and fun to live with. Dats when will Nokia come up, not now with the aging Symbian...

I have been a user of symbian and have been using the old Nokia phone for so many years. Still i have all the apps which i ever need and am quite happy with it. But i can't live with the performance lags which hav been quite common with the new social apps and the dull interface. I want to move on coz i am bored with the same OS. Nokia, re-invent or disappear is all i can say :(
Lord Nemesis said:
3. Symbian still has more than twice the market share of iOS or Andorid as of 1st quarter 2010. As I said in another thread Symbain does not even need to compete with Android or iOS to maintain a lead.
This market share has been built earlier when symbian was THE smartphone platform...

What will be more interesting to see is how much market share are they losing and how fast to competing platforms...
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