PC Peripherals System Not Powering On

Computers boot up fine even without a cmos battery. The battery is required only to save time & settings in the bios. Without the CMOS battery the motherboard will reset to the defaults and will boot.
If e computer is still failing to boot with minimum config, it seems to be the PSU or mobo fault here. If the thread starter can get his comp to a nearby hardware shop or can source a working PSU from his neighbor it would make things clear.
Looks like a psu or mobo fault.
best way to tell is to try booting with another psu

Some other things you can try;
-using a soft eraser clean away dirt from the gold pins of your ram
-try booting w/o the hard disk plugged in (this will eliminate a corrupt install/ bad drive as the problem)
Yes,Today i took it one of my friends pplace and tried to power up with his PSU and it powers up.
However no the problem is that its not Posting .The screen is blank
I have tried to boot only with the onboard graphics and nothing comes up
I havent tried with Video card yet
Will try that today.
The strange part is that when i connect the usb keyboard and mouse they dont get power at all as in the lights dont glow on the mouse and the Keyboard
So i have no idea what going on
Luckily the PSU is in warrenty so ill get it replaced.
No idea now why the system is not posting.
Any suggestions
So the update is that i have given the PSU for replacement and ill be getting the CM 650w M series PSU as replacement.
I hope after the replacement the system Comes up
Guys so finally i got the PSU replaced and now the system is finally powering on
But now i am facing another problem
I am getting the CMOS battery low message.
I have replaced the CMOS cell but even after that the system when it boots it is giving me the same message
I am not sure what to do
I have checked online but cant find a satisfactory answer
I have saved the settings and then restarted ,it works some for some time and then again after the 2nd or 3rd reboot same message comes up
Should i update the BIOS or what should i do.
Kindly help.
I even tried the old cmos cell and its the same symptoms.
I also tried cleaning the connectors but still its the same.
Any More suggestions?
In the round slot where the battery sits, theres a hook like contact which touched the battery from bottom. You need to raise it a bit and then try inserting battery. Should work properly.
^ Thats what i tried today and it worked for a couple of boots and then again back to square1.Can i get this slot repaired ?
Check your BIOS' monitoring tab for the reported voltages. Your HW Monitoring IC is probably toast and misreporting the battery voltage. If your BIOS settings aren't being affected, then ignore it or find a way to disable the alert.
And like @dpandey said above, get a multimeter and measure the voltage yourself to cross check.
I checked the reported voltages and it shows 3.3v and the only reason its annoying is that i am using RAID so the setting needs to be saved,otherwise i will not be able to use raid.