System restart after resume from S3 Suspend(Sleep).

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My Config

Phenom II 550BE OC @3.6GHz on Stock

Boistar TA785GE 128M

8600GT 256MB

creative sound blaster live 24bit card

2 x 1gb kingston 667mhz ram

160 GB HDD


Hello , m having problem with sleep mode in Vista SP1. System restarts after resuming from sleep (S3 Suspend). Displays desktop for 2 seconds then restarts(Not actaually proper resets.)

Does anyone know the solution.
reset bios. If possible update your firmware. If not solved then get rid of the crap vista and install win 7. Dont even update. Just do a fresh install..

But i doubt whether u have a proper win 7 driver for ur 24bit Ctv...
It may be because Vista crashes after resuming from sleep and then due to automatic restart setting it resets PC.

Try disabling automatic restart after crash setting and then try. May be some driver issue or h/w issue can be there.
Guys when i turned off AMD overclocking(A.O.S). it works fine. But as i set Enable it to Automatic V6 or V9 Overclocking in bios , problem starts again. Why even a little overclocking affecting sleep mode??
did u run stability checks after turning on A.O.S? may be less voltage be reason or fauly bios ... update bios to latest
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