Other Tablet for browsing & e-books

Hi ,

I want to buy a tablet for internet browsing and reading e-books and magazines.
I'm not sure of the screen size as I have'nt used a tablet before.
I'm doing everything on a desktop PC now and would like to browse in a tablet.
I'll also watch you tube and other movies on a tablet .

please suggest something cheap and value for money but at at the same time not crappy.
Will use wifi for browsing/streaming.

Thanks in advance
Well , wifi is enough for now .
The main thing I'm concerned is screen size and I'm not sure whether I'll like a 7-8 inch screen and there are'nt any shops in my town where I cam use a demo.
Will sure buy only next month or so after apple launches it's new devices and hopefully ipad mini price will go down.
+1 for nexus 7 2012 model and Ipad mini.
A 7" tablet will be better for ebooks and reading purposes as they are easier to hold.
Movies would look better on a 10" tab because of more screen real estate but Ebooks will be a pain.
hm.. what about browsing?? Which is better?
Also is it true that I can't open multiple tabs while browsing in a tablet?
I'm going to be browsing most of the time in the tablet.[DOUBLEPOST=1377979029][/DOUBLEPOST]I like the extra 1 inch in the ipad mini , but too bad it's not retina display.
Will wait till sept 10th and see what apple has to offer.
The price of ipad mini is likely to go down after sept 10th right?
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nexus 7 2013 if you are into ebook reading. Just love the text sharpness and clarity.
the cpu is good and handles pdf as well without lag.
The main thing I'm concerned is screen size and I'm not sure whether I'll like a 7-8 inch screen and there are'nt any shops in my town where I cam use a demo.
Then you cannot decide whether 7,8 or 10.1 is appropriate. Until you do so then its not worth buying anything.

So make cardboard windows for 7, 8, 9.7 & 10.1 screens. Remember these dimesions are for diagonal screen size so you need to get the screen dimensions correct. Then stick it on your laptop and reduce size of text in adobe or internet browser and see which size you are comfortable. Note the weight of the tabs you are interested in and find a book of that weight and try holding it for 10 minutes and see how you feel. This is the closest you will get without testing.

I like 10.1, better for movies and browsing. It reads in landscape, can read any A4 or letter size as if its printed out in front of me. Take a A4 sheet of paper and place it on 10.1 screen, then pull up, that's how it is. I get pdf's from all over the place and it handles them provided they are not too heavy. Reading is done sitting down and resting it on something (lap) as you cannot hold it for long. But since the screen is bigger the text is bigger too and can be read from further away. If you read hardcover books then its the same thing. Its easier to go from laptop to 10.1 than all the way down to 7 inch.

7, 8, 9.7 are held in portrait mode when reading which means you read with one hand so weight will become an issue. Lighter is best here and will necessarily force you to go with a smaller screen. If you read in bed then this is what you want. 8 inch would be a good compromise here.
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there's one more thing for reading: eReader.

here's my assembly :)
for reading epubs or light weight pdf books i use nook touch (6" e-ink).
for pdf magazines, pdfs with mathematical formula/figures etc, i use nook hd+ (9.9" IPS).
I use nook hd+ for browsing also.

i keep all the books on NAS.

nook hd+ has a high resolution display so video sizes decrease. videos look good only if they are high resolution.
Thing with high resolutoin videos and tabs is you need the bandwidth to work with it. There are no tabs yet that support AC. But there are at least 3 flagship phones that already do so, S4, HTC One & G Pro. So next years crop of tabs should have single stream AC. Single stream AC is like n450, ~50-60Mbs throughput possible. This is where a full HD tab makes more sense.
there's one more thing for reading: eReader.

here's my assembly :)
for reading epubs or light weight pdf books i use nook touch (6" e-ink).
for pdf magazines, pdfs with mathematical formula/figures etc, i use nook hd+ (9.9" IPS).
I use nook hd+ for browsing also.

i keep all the books on NAS.

nook hd+ has a high resolution display so video sizes decrease. videos look good only if they are high resolution.
Can you provide more info? I too would like to have pdf's (90% or more) of maths related stuff. Do give me the available math pdf's that i can get. Is nook hd+ really needed for my requirement?
i didn't mean that you need only nook hd+. i was only telling you what i have and how i use these.
i suppose any tablet with a good display and battery backup will be sufficient for you. nook hd+ is just one of many.
i'll suggest you to try nexus 7 once (borrow from some friend).
Bottomline is unless you try out a few tablets hands on you will never know which one is best for you. For example, I began my tablet journey with the original iPad and loved the 10" screen. Then I had to sell it off some time back and focused on getting a budget tablet for my needs. I tried out tons of android tablets ranging from 7" to 10". Even the iPad Mini. What I found was that for casual gaming 8" ad below tablets are good enough, and they were just fine for browsing and videos. I had to squint or keep the reader really close to my face to be able to read off those 7" screens though, and I have 20/20 (6/6) vision. What I realized was that 9" or 10" tablets are the best for reading. I read tons of comics, books, magazines, and news feeds everyday so having a good screen matters. I am now looking to buy either a Nook HD+ or iBall Slide i1017 tablet, tending towards the former because of excellent support. Look them up for reviews and feedback.

Get some hands on time with a few slates and you'll know best.
once you get used to a 10" , you can never go smaller :D
My first tablet is viewsonic gtab, 10". I used it for about 3 years. (still doing well!)
Now I like my nook hd+ more, a 9".
And for plain text reading, I prefer nook simple touch most, a 6".
And sometimes, I read short stories in my mobile too, 3.1" screen, though I don;t prefer it.
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